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TechChannel: Trusted Content for Enterprise and SMB IT Professionals

As we enter this new year, I’d like to be the first to welcome you to TechChannel—a vibrant, independent communications channel designed to educate and inform enterprise and SMB IT professionals with expert, credible and trusted content.
Leveraging our 20 years of IT content development expertise—along with feedback we’ve heard from and within the larger technology community—we are here to provide a constant drumbeat of technical content now infused with technology’s human side.
If there’s anything we’ve learned during our tenure, it’s that collaboration across the larger technology ecosystem leads to innovation and creates meaningful difference. That’s why we prioritize talking to people across the industry—from different organizations, levels of expertise, backgrounds and more. Although we’ll still provide a steady stream of technical content written by experts, we’ll also be amplifying important themes like closing the skills gap, increasing diversity in technology, planning in-person (and virtual) events, onboarding and training new hires, and more.
Moving forward this year, look for TechBeat and TechVoice, our newly branded newsletters, along with our highly successful educational TechChannel Webinars, where we’ll engage, educate and inform our subscribers to help them make IT decisions for their companies. 
Finally, if you have suggestions for article ideas and topics, or if you’re interested in writing for TechChannel, email me. I look forward to hearing from you.
—Keelia Estrada Moeller, Managing Editor, TechChannel