Saloni Walimbe
Saloni Walimbe is a senior research content developer for Global Market Insights (GMI).
Data Mining Tools Can Fuel the Evolution of Retail Strategies
May 31, 2021
A faster penetration and growth in internet usage worldwide have caused a veritable explosion in data generation in recent years. In 2006, Clive Humby, a noted data scientist, hailed data as the new oil, a phrase that is seemingly supported by the vast amount of digital data being created, captured, and replicated over the years. According to […]
ArticlesCloud Computing to Address Europe’s Growing Data Infrastructure Needs
April 15, 2021
Rapid penetration of IoT technologies and proliferating smartphone usage has prompted a growth in big data applications. This, in turn, has led to the accelerated development of data centers worldwide. In Europe, in light of the global crisis triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic, several noted companies like Microsoft, Alibaba and NTT have made strategic investments […]
ArticlesCloud POS Adoption Skyrockets in Retail Equipped With AI-Based Capabilities
April 1, 2021
Until recently, the go-to solution for most brick and mortar retail stores to save their point-of-sale (POS) data, including product price lists and transaction records, was local platforms. These include a range of solutions, from on-premises PCs or servers to larger service provider network servers. However, many retailers have been making a shift towards online […]