Jaqui Lynch
Jaqui Lynch has more than 38 years of experience working with a variety of projects and operating systems across multiple vendor platforms, including mainframes, UNIX systems, midrange systems and personal workstations. She was an IBM customer for more than 22 years and then worked for two business partners in the USA. She is now working as an independent consultant, focusing on enterprise architecture, performance and delivery on Power Systems with AIX and Linux. Additionally, she regularly presents at IBM and other conferences around the world.
A note from Jaqui:
“I enjoy taking pictures of landscapes, animals and macro photos of flowers.”
Photos by Jaqui:
Upgrading Your Storage Scale Cluster, Part 2
November 5, 2024
In this two-part series, IBM Champion Jaqui Lynch shares the lessons she learned when upgrading from Spectrum Scale
ArticlesUpgrading Your Storage Scale Cluster, Part 1
October 30, 2024
In this two-part series, IBM Champion Jaqui Lynch shares the lessons she learned when upgrading from Spectrum Scale
ArticlesAdventures with NIMADM: Upgrading from AIX V7.2 to V7.3
August 28, 2024
IBM Champion Jaqui Lynch highlights her recent experience using NIMADM to upgrade AIX from V7.2 to V7.3
ArticlesUpgrading to PowerVM v4.1.0.21
August 12, 2024
IBM Champion Jaqui Lynch highlights her experience upgrading PowerVM from v4.1.0.10 to v4.1.0.21
ArticlesHMC and VIO Update Tips
May 9, 2024
IBM Champion Jaqui Lynch talks about HMC and VIO upgrade lessons she has learned in 2024 so far
ArticlesHow to Use the Rules Command With VIO Servers
January 11, 2024
I do a lot of customizations on my VIO servers, and I was asked recently how the rules command could be used to deploy some of those changes so they can be consistently applied to all VIO servers. The rules command is primarily used to tune and modify device settings on the VIO server and […]
ArticlesHow to Upgrade to PowerVM v4.1.0.10
December 8, 2023
In this article I will go over my recent experience upgrading VIO servers from version 3 to version 4. The process is similar to going from version 2 to version 3, but I did run into a few issues that you should be able to avoid. The first step is to download the code and […]
ArticlesFLRT, NIM, DNF, HMC and More: Technical Lessons From 2023
November 15, 2023
2023 has been incredibly busy, but I have also learned a lot during that time. It was great to attend TechXchange, see everyone in person and share ideas and thoughts with everyone. In this article I have tried to distill some of the things I learned throughout the year: Updates to tools How to install […]
ArticlesPower10 Lessons Learned in 2023
October 30, 2023
2023 has been a busy year with lots of Power10 implementations. And I have learned a great deal during that time from a combination of experience, IBM documents and tips from friends. It is important that you follow the instructions on how to set up your Power10 server. The addition of the VMI (Virtualization Management […]
ArticlesJaqui Lynch on PowerVM V3 and HMC Tips
April 13, 2023
In the past few months many people have been asking me for tips on managing their HMCs, VIO servers and how to prepare to integrate Power10 into their environment. In this article I am sharing some of the tips I have picked up in the last year that I hope will be helpful for you. […]