A Look at Cloud Automation Manager
This short demo video breaks down the process of using Cloud Automation Manager to create templates and deploy virtual machines.

We are always looking for ways to simplify our lives, but simplification is more elusive in some situations than others.
Consider a small environment where it makes sense to build LPARs by hand. The plan is to keep machines on site, and new builds are infrequent enough that extensive automation isn’t a pressing need.
In other environments where builds are automated, using AIX Network Installation Management (NIM) with some homegrown scripts to build new LPARs makes perfect sense.
Then there are those sites that are either drowning in new deploys or allowing users to build their own LPARs on demand. These types of installations can benefit from tools like PowerVC and IBM Cloud Automation Manager.
This video gives you a taste of what it takes to deploy existing VMs with Cloud Automation Manager and add AIX, IBM i and Linux applications to a cloud private catalog:
Here is an excerpt of the video’s description:
“Joe Cropper demonstrates how to configure IBM Cloud Private and Cloud Automation Manager to create an Oracle database self-service catalog entry within IBM Cloud Private. When the database is deployed, it provisions the underlying resources through IBM PowerVC.”
Demos usually resonate with me when I can see actual interaction with products. As valuable as articles and presentations can be, a picture—or, in this case, 9:32 of video—really is worth a thousand words. This video nicely breaks down the whole process of using this tool to create templates and deploy virtual machines.