developerWorks Connections Pages in Transition
Today's post is a friendly (and important) reminder that the developerWorks Connections platform is set to permanently shut down on March 31.

You’re probably aware that IBM is sunsetting the developerWorks Connections platform.
Hopefully you’ve bookmarked the new locations of your favorite AIX content. In my case, that includes Nigel Griffiths, Gareth Coates, Chris Gibson and the AIX Virtual User Group.
While many of the old links still work, the Connections platform is set to permanently shut down on March 31, 2020. If all this is news to you, be sure to read the IBM FAQ (excerpted below):
NEW: On January 2, 2020, the majority of the developerWorks Connections platform will be taken offline and made unavailable. If your Connections group is not active, no further action is needed.
A small number of communities that have requested a sunset extension will be kept online and placed in read-only mode. You will receive an error message if you try to save new content (wikis, posts, forum messages) after that date. Affected pages will have a banner at the top identifying it as a target for final removal on March 31, 2020. This removal includes all community blogs, wikis, forums, activities and files….
Q. Why are these Connections pages going away?
A. IBM is consolidating major content portals to improve the customer experience.
Q. What specific content of mine will be impacted and removed?
A. Your community and its app will no longer be available including: Activities, blogs, files, forums
and wikis.
All URLs starting with and including:
Q. What will happen to the information that is currently published on developerWorks Connections? Where will I be able to find it?
A. The majority of existing content and posts will be reviewed by the content owners and moved to the appropriate IBM website… Backups of all Connections content will be made prior to January 2 as a precaution. Select URL redirects will be created to help customers find content in its new home if it has been moved.