Legacy Elastic CoD Offerings Being Withdrawn
Those using legacy versions of Elastic Capacity on Demand (CoD) will soon need to upgrade their codes.

In July, IBM’s David Spurway tweeted about Elastic Capacity on Demand (CoD). The enablement codes used with legacy versions of Elastic CoD will soon be withdrawn, so if you’re on an older version, you’ll need to get new codes in short order.
Below is an excerpt from the IBM announcement letter:
“Hardware withdrawal: Power System Legacy Elastic CoD features
As we expand Elastic CoD via Entitled System Support Worldwide for flexible provisioning and usage on the web in minutes, we are withdrawing our legacy Elastic CoD offerings.
For additional support on how to administer these new features, see the Entitled System Support website.
Effective October 31, 2019 and April 30, 2020, IBM will withdraw from marketing the selected IBM Power Systems features listed in the Withdrawn products section. On or after the effective dates of withdrawal, you can no longer order these features directly from IBM. Field-installed features associated with the machine types not listed in this announcement continue to be available.
If a client continues to have prepaid Elastic CoD credits regarding this withdrawal, contact the ECoD project office to do a one-time migration to Elastic CoD via Entitled System Support.
For new orders, the client-requested arrival date (CRAD) can be no later than November 29, 2019 and May 29, 2020.”