PowerVC 1.4.3 Install Error
Rob finds a simple solution to a customer's PowerVC install fail.

A while back I helped out on a PowerVC installation. The customer was getting this error:
ERROR powervc_oslo.config.data_utils [-] End Of File (EOF) in read_nonblocking().
Exception style platform.
<pexpect.spawn object at 0x7f625b1ce990>
version: 2.3 ($Revision: 399 $)
command: /usr/bin/mysqladmin
args: ['/usr/bin/mysqladmin', 'password']
searcher: searcher_re:
0: re.compile("New password:")
buffer (last 100 chars):
before (last 100 chars): .sock' (2)'
Check that mysqld is running and that the socket: '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' exists!
As is often the case when I encounter a problem, I started with a web search—I should say, I started and finished. Seriously, I’m not sure I’ve ever found such a simple answer so quickly. The exact error came up on the first return, along with this solution (excerpt below):
“Resolving The Problem
Please proceed with the steps below:
Please run
ln -s /usr/bin/resolveip /usr/libexec/resolveip
Then attempt this command
/root/powervc- –interface yourinterface –ipversion 4 –ipoption
default –firewall yes –silent 0 –hostaddress yourfqdn –operation configure –logfile
* where yourinterface is the name of the Network adapter used to configure your
PowerVC server.
* where yourlastinstalllogfilename is the name of the powervc install log from the
current failed install
* where yourfqdn is the fully qualified domain name of your PowerVC server
Once it completes with successful then run the below command: powervc-restore.”
Hopefully you won’t run into this issue, but if you do, it is easily resolved.