Essential Strategies for Mainframe Modernization
September 14, 2023
IBM's Jason McGee and Rocket Software's Phil Buckellew and outline key considerations for maintaining the mainframe as a key element of your modern IT infrastructure
ArticlesIBM Support Insights: Infrastructure Management Simplified
September 7, 2023
IBM Support Insights provides a wealth of critical information to make admins' jobs easier
ArticlesIBM Introduces Watsonx Code Assistant for Z
August 24, 2023
The generative AI solution is designed to expedite mainframe modernization efforts
ArticlesMainframe Security in the Age of AI
August 17, 2023
In theory, mainframe security should be easy—mainframes use RACF or similar products to control who can do what. However, security has never really been that easy, and today it definitely isn’t easy at all. The Challenges of Modern Mainframe Security First, mainframes aren’t little islands of computer processing anymore. They are intimately connected to the […]
ArticlesHarnessing the Power of AI in the Financial Industry
August 3, 2023
AI is all the rage in the tech industry as well as the mainstream media as more and more news stories talk about OpenAI and ChatGPT. But its capabilities extend beyond those generative uses. “Despite the lack of familiarity for most people, AI is a technology that’s transforming the way we do business, interact and, […]
5 Key Takeaways from IBM’s Watsonx Day
July 20, 2023
On June 21, IBM held watsonx Day, a virtual event that gave an in-depth look at the features and capabilities of the recently announced watsonx, a platform and suite of development management tools designed to multiply the impact of AI across businesses. The event featured 26 different panels with input from more than 40 experts […]
ArticlesGoogle’s Bard Spins Some Tales About IBM Power Systems and AIX
June 22, 2023
Rob McNelly experiments with the AI tool to see what it knows about IBM Power Systems and AIX
ArticlesIBM Unveils Watsonx AI Platform
May 10, 2023
On May 9 at its annual THINK conference, IBM announced watsonx, an AI and data platform aimed at businesses with complex workflows. It’s designed to help enterprises store, access and monitor large quantities of data with improved efficiency and specificity. The new platform features three components:, which helps businesses apply machine learning models and […]
ArticlesA Student’s Journey Into Artificial Intelligence | Part 1: The History
May 9, 2023
In part one of this series on artificial intelligence, Mark Ray discusses some of the technologies and concepts that laid the foundation for what would become AI
PodcastsBuilding APIs on a Path to AI
April 26, 2023
Note: This podcast transcript is lightly edited for clarity. Paul Tuohy: Hi everyone and welcome to another iTalk Business with Tuohy. Delighted to be joined today by an old friend, and by that I mean that we’ve just been friends for quite a while, not that he is old—I’m the old guy in this conversation […]
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