The Case for IBM i and the Cloud
May 23, 2023
This transcript is lightly edited for clarity. Paul Tuohy: Hi everybody and welcome to another iTalk Business with Tuohy. I’m delighted to be joined today—well actually joined again today by Tom Huntington, who is the executive VP of technical solutions at Fortra. Sorry—before we go any further Tom, just to get this out of the […]
ArticlesIBM Introduces Single Frame and Rack Mount IBM z16 and IBM LinuxONE 4
April 4, 2023
Latest servers expand IBM Z offerings to small and medium businesses
PodcastsEddy Ciliendo on Object Storage and the Mainframe
March 30, 2023
Reg Harbeck: Hi, I’m Reg Harbeck and today I am here with Eddy Ciliendo, who is the chief strategy officer at Model9. Welcome, Eddy. Eddy Ciliendo: Hey Reg, glad to be here. Reg: So I’d like to start by just kind of getting a sense—you’ve got a really interesting background that involves a lot […]
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Hybrid Cloud: The Best of Both Worlds
March 29, 2023
UNICOM Global's Neil Evans and Rocket Software's Phil Buckellew discuss why hybrid cloud is on the rise in the post-pandemic world—and how to get the most out of your hybrid cloud strategy
E-BooksHow to Build a Successful Hybrid Cloud Strategy
March 29, 2023
Rocket Software's Phil Buckellew on 3 factors to consider when building a hybrid cloud strategy, and UNICOM Global's Neil Evans on why hybrid cloud is the de facto post-pandemic model
Overcoming Misconceptions to Unlock Data Potential
December 8, 2022
Mainframes and IBM i systems are still as vital as ever, with the number of transactions they process increasing every year. Today, mainframes process 90% of all credit card transactions, and 71% of the Fortune 500 trusts them to run their most critical business applications—ensuring security, reliability and scalability. But as businesses are becoming increasingly […]
ArticlesCloud, IBM Support, AIX History and More
December 6, 2022
Rob McNelly on cloud technology, expanded IBM Support options, IBM requiring encryption for fix downloads and AIX history
ArticlesMoving Mainframe Apps to the Cloud: Should You Stay or Should You Go?
November 29, 2022
Over the last few years there’s been a noticeable push from the big public cloud data center providers to encourage enterprises to move their zSystems mainframe applications to the cloud. Cloud providers are offering a mix of support to entice companies, including development and runtime environments, systems integration tools and expertise—plus assurances that moving to […]
ArticlesBuilding for Successful Modernization and Operationalization
November 15, 2022
As IT environments evolve, so do security and modernization strategies. And while no “one-size-fits-all” modernization solutions exist, there are certainly ways to position your organization for a successful IT environment modernization plan poised to meet business needs. According to Ensono’s Oliver Presland, for example, successfully laying out your modernization plan begins with asking yourself […]
ArticlesThe Evolution of Mainframe Education
October 28, 2022
The average age of a mainframer is 58 years old. Yes, most of us have gray hair and wear Aerosmith tee shirts to work. The task at hand is how do we pass the baton of mainframe knowledge to the next class of mainframers that will support the massive mainframe ecosystem that runs our world […]