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Women of COBOL Episode 4: Creative Solutions for Closing the Mainframe Skills Gap


September 12, 2022

Misty Decker: Hi and welcome to this episode of Women of COBOL. Today we are talking about changing lives through COBOL. I’m so excited about this one; I hope you are, too. Let me introduce our two guests. Today we’re going to chat with Magie Hall, assistant professor of Strategic Business Analytics at WU Vienna. […]


Not Your Typical Mainframer: Dr. Magie Hall on COBOL Training

Reg Harbeck

August 22, 2022

Reg Harbeck: Hi, I’m Reg Harbeck and today I’m here with Dr. Magie Hall, who is assistant professor of strategic business analytics at WU Vienna. Magie, welcome. You’re not a typical mainframer as such, but your role in the mainframe and legacy and business computing ecosystem is tremendously important, so we’re really thankful for this […]


Len Santalucia on His Mainframe Journey and Career

Reg Harbeck

July 21, 2022

Reg Harbeck: Hi. I am Reg Harbeck and today I’m here with Len Santalucia, my friend and colleague who is the chief technology officer at Vicom Infinity, a Converge company. And you know if you’re on the mainframe, if there is one person you’re likely to know, it’s probably Len. He seems to have the […]


Women of COBOL Episode 3: The Case for Modernization


July 14, 2022

Misty Decker: Hi and welcome to Women of COBOL, our third episode, today. We are going to be talking with Marianne Bellotti—the author of my favorite book, “Kill it with Fire”; if you don’t have it, you need it—and Susan Drennan, vice president of COBOL sales at Micro Focus. We’re going to be talking about […]


Why Git Is Valuable to the Mainframe

Trevor Eddolls

June 24, 2022

There was a time when mainframes were very isolated and writing code meant starting from scratch (probably in COBOL) or adapting some other code that seemed to do something similar. I say “seemed to” because whoever wrote the code probably didn’t bother putting in comments that would make it easy to follow. Real programmers didn’t […]


Women of COBOL Episode 2: Looking to the Next Generation


June 8, 2022

Misty Decker: Hi and welcome to Women of COBOL hosted by TechChannel. I’m your host, Misty Decker, and today I am pleased to be joined by two amazing women of COBOL. We’re going to chat about COBOL and getting young people involved and how to help them find really prosperous COBOL careers. So first let […]


Seeing the World Via the Mainframe

Reg Harbeck

April 4, 2022

Reg Harbeck: Hi, I'm Reg Harbeck, and today I'm here with my colleague and co-author Karl-Erik Stenfors, who has been in the mainframe space for a very good long time. Well Karl-Erik, let's start by telling us about how did you end up on the mainframe?   Karl-Erik Stenfors: Well, a bit of a point. […]


Hashes and How to Create Them on z/OS

David Stephens

January 10, 2022

Hashes can be really handy. Want to confirm that a file was received intact? Compare sender and receiver hashes. Want to see if a file has been updated recently? Compare hashes generated over time. Want a fast key for a lookup table? Use a hash as the key. But what are hashes, and how can […]


IBM Power Champion Birgitta Hauser on SQL and Modernization

Charlie Guarino

January 3, 2022

Charlie Guarino: Hi everybody. Welcome to another edition of TechTalk SMB. Today I am joined by the queen of SQL for Db2 for i, a world—renowned expert on SQL, somebody who freely gives so much of her time in the IBM i forums, somebody who I've had the great pleasure of speaking with in many cities […]


Open Mainframe Project Mentorship, COBOL and IBM Z Skills

Brianna Boecker

November 19, 2021

Mainframe and COBOL are not things of the past as some might believe. They’re important tools for businesses and organizations to use for progression into the future. The Open Mainframe Project Mentorship Program understands this, which is why it encourages mentees to expand their knowledge of IBM Z technology and contribute to simplifying the process […]