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Evil Mainframe Brings Ethical Hacking to the Forefront

Tiffany Lukk

August 26, 2021

When it comes to hacking, there are courses that can teach you to break past the security of almost anything. However, learning how to hack a mainframe usually isn’t one of them. That’s why Chad Rikansrud and Phil Young created Evil Mainframe, the first mainframe penetration testing class. “The IT world at large has benefited […]


Security Analytics Market to Gain Traction Across Healthcare Sector

Vinisha Joshi

June 7, 2021

The global market for security analytics solutions and services is set to churn out massive profits in 2021 and beyond. Here’s how: The 21st century is no doubt one of the profitable eras for large-scale digitization. With massive shifts toward digital platforms being a protocol of the current COVID-19 age, digitization has, perhaps, touched the apex. […]


TechChannel E-book: How to Combat Remote Work Security Risks


May 10, 2021

How remote work has influenced data security trends, and what you can do to keep your data locked down


The Cybersecurity Market Is Rapidly Growing

Lauren Borchart

March 12, 2021

With the rise of internet usage and availability has also come an increase in cybercrimes like scamming, phishing and hacking. This has created a high demand for cybersecurity protocols and policies to help keep enterprises safe from cyber-attacks. According to a 2020 report from Global Market Insights (GMI), the cybersecurity market has been flourishing in […]


Will You Be The Next Victim Of Ransomware?

Ben Wuest

September 11, 2017

Ransomware is malicious software that has been covertly installed on a device, such as your laptop or phone, which encrypts your private data and demands a monetary ransom for restoring the data to its original format. If the data is highly sensitive, the ransom may be the threat of public disclosure of the private data. […]