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The Future of IT

October 5, 2017

My grandmother never learned to drive. She was born around the time Henry Ford invented the production line and began rolling out Model Ts in vast numbers. Those cars were shipped to every corner of the world and quite a few made it to our shores here in New Zealand. Ours were painted black, too. […]


Use z/OS Resources and Tools for Data Protection

Patrick Fitzsimmons

October 2, 2017

The IBM z/OS* platform, with its unmatched reliability, availability and serviceability, outstanding I/O bandwidth and secure environment, provides an excellent platform for data protection. This is especially true if that client data already is on the mainframe, as the features of this hardware and software platform promote reliable and scalable data protection. If your organization […]


Top IT Concerns

Tom Huntington

September 11, 2017

We’ve heard it at trade shows and read about it in surveys: The top challenges for IBM Power Systems* clients are security, high availability and modernization. It’s no surprise because every CIO needs to keep their data safe and available in order to stay competitive—all while keeping the company’s name out of headlines covering the […]


IT Operational Analytics Tools Can Provide a View of Management Data

Allan Zander

August 1, 2017

IT and business management are increasingly concerned with the rising costs associated with their highly complex and ever-growing mainframe and distributed systems data centers. They are also concerned about controlling outages and mitigating the lack of transparency they have—including in their outsourced environments. Wide View Needed CIOs, IT managers and line-of-business managers don’t have unhindered […]


IBM Z Pervasive Encryption Marks a Paradigm Shift for Security

Evelyn Hoover

July 17, 2017

Trust is the currency that drives the new economy. It’s the foundation of digital relationships and demands security, transparency and greater value in every interaction and transaction. That’s among the reasons IBM equipped the new z14 system with pervasive encryption. Transitioning away from selective encryption to end-to-end protection helps organizations secure all of their enterprise […]


5 Points to Consider When Preparing for Backup and Recovery

Caroline L. Vitse

July 17, 2017

Planning for IT outages, whether instigated by Mother Nature, human error, system issues or a sly hacker, is no small feat for businesses. While the causes of unplanned outages vary, a strategy to manage outages can be standardized. Harry Batten, executive IT architect, IBM, lists five common points companies should consider while crafting a backup […]


The Brilliance of Resilience in a Cognitive World

July 10, 2017

Recent headlines from the halls of Washington, D.C. to our major airports have served to remind us of the increasing complexity and importance of having complete layers of resilience that protect our business systems. These interlocking layers include combinations of high availability and disaster recovery (HA/DR), security and managed service solutions that completely envelop and […]


Tokenized Encryption: The Project Nexus

Jim Schesvold

May 1, 2017

The project generating this article largely involves implementation of a mainframe-based cryptographic interface oriented primarily to CICS Transaction Server, COBOL and MVS. However, these principles and concepts apply to all IT platforms. In fact, the project plan includes tasks and activities involved in converting the client’s websites using different programming languages and software to enable […]


Blockchain Is Set to Streamline Markets and Transform Industries

Kristin Lewotsky

May 1, 2017

Business is built on trust. The seller needs to trust the buyer to pay for goods. The buyer needs to trust that the seller will deliver those goods, and that they have the right to sell them to begin with. Financial institutions must trust one another to settle transactions. Other examples abound. To create an […]


Tokenized Encryption: Details Become Design

Jim Schesvold

April 3, 2017

Once a project such as PCI compliance is approved, the first step is to hold a kickoff meeting. There are numerous reasons for a kickoff meeting: The CIO affirms the project’s importance and defines objectives, team members can acquaint themselves with each other, determine deadlines, identify potential obstacles and possible solutions, and establish requirements. But […]