NAKIVO Enables Agent-Based Backup and Recovery for Proxmox VM Data
August 8, 2024
NAKIVO is among the first backup solution vendors to support data protection for Proxmox virtual environments
ArticlesIBM Adds AI-Enhanced Data Resilience Capabilities to IBM Storage Portfolio
March 15, 2024
AI-enhanced versions of the IBM FlashCore Module will help organizations defend against ransomware attacks with IBM Storage FlashSystem products and IBM Storage Defender software
E-BooksMainframe Security in the Age of AI
March 1, 2024
IBM security experts Sam Hector and Didier André weigh in on mainframe cybersecurity in the age of AI and explore how to respond to evolving cyber threats
ArticlesThe Complete Beginners’ Guide to Hacking a Mainframe
October 12, 2023
Any movie or TV show makes hacking seem like a trivial affair. A couple of minutes of screen time and some nerdy kid shouts, “I’m in.” Five minutes later, all the data has been stolen and dangerous applications have been rewritten (compiled and executed). We know that’s not how it happens, but the worrying thing […]
ArticlesThe Cost of a Data Breach Reaches an All-Time High of $4.45 Million
September 26, 2023
MGM Resorts was the latest victim of a social engineering hack that brought the casino chain to its knees. The breach happened last week when hackers obtained a password by posing as an employee of the Las Vegas resort chain. According to published reports on TechCrunch and Bloomberg, the attack crippled MGM’s hotel guest services […]
An Early Warning System for Ransom Attacks and Mainframe Breaches
September 15, 2023
Most mainframe sites can’t afford to be down for more than a few minutes—let alone the hours or days required to respond to a cyberattack with conventional processes. What is needed is an early warning system to detect and neutralize the most common forms of malicious attacks. The Benefits and Risks of Encryption Encryption can […]
ArticlesHarnessing the Power of AI in the Financial Industry
August 3, 2023
AI is all the rage in the tech industry as well as the mainstream media as more and more news stories talk about OpenAI and ChatGPT. But its capabilities extend beyond those generative uses. “Despite the lack of familiarity for most people, AI is a technology that’s transforming the way we do business, interact and, […]
ArticlesTop API Security Risks in 2023
July 5, 2023
“Modernize” seems to be the most popular word to go alongside mainframes these days. We’re always being told to modernize our applications by migrating part or all of them to the cloud. We’re also being told that we can modernize our business-critical mainframe applications by using APIs (application programming interfaces) to expose mainframe-based data and […]
ArticlesDefining Data Security Posture Management
June 8, 2023
If you haven’t heard of data security posture management (DSPM) yet, it’s because it is an emerging security practice. Its aim is to help organizations ensure that their cloud security is as strong as their mainframe security by automatically detecting and protecting data—and doing this in a dynamically changing environment. What Is Data Security Posture […]
E-BooksSecuring Your Business in an Ever-Changing IT Landscape
May 10, 2023
Fortra's Amy Williams and IBM Security Evangelist Westley McDuffie on how to protect your business from constant security threats, using tactics like penetration testing and strategies like zero trust