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Scott Forstie on SQL Services and IBM i 7.5 Capabilities

Charlie Guarino

December 2, 2022

Spotlight for the B side: IBM's Scott Forstie on SQL services, geospatial functions and IBM i 7.5 capabilities


Announcing IBM i 7.5 TR1, 7.4 TR7 and More

Steve Will

October 12, 2022

It’s time to announce technology refreshes again. On October 11, 2022, we announced IBM i 7.5 TR1 and 7.4 TR7. And, as always, in addition to those specific “technology refresh” delivery vehicles, there are updates for Db2, Navigator, RPG and more. But First: Power10 Scale-Out But before I get to the TRs, I owe it […]


Steve Will on POWERUp, Merlin and His Promotion to Distinguished Engineer

Neil Tardy

June 10, 2022

As chief architect for IBM i, a significant part of Steve Will’s job is simply to talk about the platform, to inform and educate the user community. Last month’s COMMON POWERUp 2022 event, the first such in-person conference in three years, Will quickly realized how much he’d missed those conversations. Of the week’s many great […]


IBM i 7.5: New System Limits and More Hidden Gems

Dawn May

May 16, 2022

I’ve been reviewing the documentation about IBM i 7.5 and have discovered more hidden gems. Continuing from the post last week, here are more of my favorites: Historical Data Collection Is on by Default I submitted an IBM Idea asking that Collection Services enable historical data by default. I am happy to report this feature […]


A Look at IBM i 7.5 and Merlin

Paul Tuohy

May 5, 2022

Paul Tuohy: Hi everyone and welcome to another iTalk with Tuohy. Delighted to be joined today by not one person but two people and two of my favorite people to do iTalks with. You can probably guess who they are given the time of year it is and what’s going on this week or in […]


Announcing IBM i 7.5, 7.4 TR6, IBM i Merlin

Steve Will

May 3, 2022

IBM has unveiled the next major release of IBM i—7.5—as well as IBM i 7.4 TR6 and a brand new product called Merlin. Get the details in this blog from Steve Will.


Big Things Coming for IBM i in 2022

Steve Will

April 6, 2022

Well, well, well. Back again! It’s been about six months since I published a blog post, and about two years since I worked with the good people at TechChannel. I’m happy to bring the “You and i” blog back “home.” Of course, if I only post once every six months, it won’t mean much … […]


IBM Power Champion Birgitta Hauser on SQL and Modernization

Charlie Guarino

January 3, 2022

Charlie Guarino: Hi everybody. Welcome to another edition of TechTalk SMB. Today I am joined by the queen of SQL for Db2 for i, a world—renowned expert on SQL, somebody who freely gives so much of her time in the IBM i forums, somebody who I've had the great pleasure of speaking with in many cities […]


Geocoding and Mapping Data With IBM Db2 Web Query for i

Rick Flagler

December 15, 2021

Have you ever wanted to apply mapping technology to your data? Ever since Google and Apple Maps became popular, other vendors have used this same mapping technology to provide a basis for business intelligence data analysis. Several towns in my rural area have begun investigating how to improve internet access and have asked vendors to […]


TechChannel E-book: Streamline Your Modernization Strategies With Open Source and SQL With Db2 for i

December 6, 2021

Modernization strategies come in many forms—each with a unique blend of cost, risk and value. But some strategies are better than others, depending on your organizational needs. Some organizations still have hesitations about adopting the most effective modernization strategies—such as establishing a virtual layer of SQL views within physical data models or leveraging open-source technologies. […]