Conferences, Community and More Ahead for IBM i in 2019
March 30, 2019
A look at conferences and user group events coming up in 2019, and why attending these events is beneficial.
ArticlesThe Case for a Database Engineer
February 1, 2019
Q: What’s a database engineer and why do I need one? Part of my job encompasses helping clients understand how to improve their IBM i ROI. Most clients can take simple and inexpensive steps—and one of those is hiring a database engineer (DBE). The DBE role has existed for about a decade. This is […]
PodcastsSue Romano Discusses SQL Development
February 1, 2019
Paul Tuohy: Hi everybody and welcome to another iTalk with Tuohy. I'm delighted to have with me today someone that I've been trying to grab an interview for quite a while, Sue Romano. Hello, Sue. Sue Romano: Hi. Paul: So Sue is one of the, for anybody who hasn't come across Sue's name before, is―well […]
Articles10 Amazing Things that Happened in 2018
January 4, 2019
In 2018, Jesse Gorzinski predicted that it would be a breakthrough year for open source on IBM i, and his prediction held true.
ArticlesCompanies Are Taking a Fresh Approach to Private Cloud
November 1, 2018
Businesses turn to the cloud for myriad reasons. Chief among them are accelerating and streamlining processes in environments such as the IBM Power Systems* platform, which enable increased speed of execution, agility for applications and better cost efficiency. “Organizations are concerned about time to market and how long it’s going to take to get IT […]
Announcing the POWER9 980 for IBM i and 7.3 TR5
August 7, 2018
Steve Will announces the POWER9-based IBM Power System E980, detailing its support for IBM i with required Technology Refreshes.
ArticlesCollaboration Drives IBM i Modernization
May 14, 2018
As IBM i celebrates its 30th anniversary this month, the platform isn’t looking back. IBM i still has its sights set firmly on the future. It’s this approach—with product innovation at the forefront—that has helped make the platform a vital business partner for its clients over the last three decades. IBM Systems Magazine, Power Systems […]
ArticlesIBM i 30th Anniversary Celebration Begins
April 2, 2018
Here we go! As I hinted in my last post, it’s time to celebrate the 30th anniversary of IBM i—and that celebration starts today, officially. We had a “preview party” of sorts at the RPG & DB2 Summit a few weeks ago, and we had a great time. Now, we get to start celebrating with […]
ArticlesPOWER9 for IBM i and the Announcement of 7.3 TR 4
February 14, 2018
Today, February 13, 2018, is announce day for the Technology Refresh 4 (TR4) of IBM i 7.3 and TR8 of IBM i 7.2. In line with our IBM i communication strategy, this blog will cover highlights of the announcement, and further information will be found starting today on the IBM i site on, the […]
ArticlesSQL Stored Procedure Tutorial
February 1, 2017
How to use a SQL stored procedure for data retrieval to feed a DB2 Web Query for i dashboard document.