Aggregate Content for IBM Z Products With IBM Doc Buddy V2
September 29, 2017
IBM Doc Buddy is a mobile app that enables you to search error messages of IBM Z software products.
ArticlesIBM Z Pervasive Encryption Marks a Paradigm Shift for Security
July 17, 2017
Trust is the currency that drives the new economy. It’s the foundation of digital relationships and demands security, transparency and greater value in every interaction and transaction. That’s among the reasons IBM equipped the new z14 system with pervasive encryption. Transitioning away from selective encryption to end-to-end protection helps organizations secure all of their enterprise […]
ArticlesIBM Lab Services Helps Clients Stay Vigilant Against Data Hackers
June 1, 2017
In July 2015, an operator noticed some heavy UNIX* System Service (USS) activity that seemed highly suspicious. Some scripts were sending spam messages all over the world from the client’s mainframe. The client called IBM Systems Lab Services for z Systems* and LinuxONE*, and the Lab Services team sprang into action. The team of highly […]
ArticlesBenefit From Non-Disruptive Modernization With IBM API Connect
May 15, 2017
This is the third article in a series about modernization of enterprise applications. The first article, Modernize Legacy Systems to Enable Full Potential, gives an overview of legacy systems, modernization tactics, benefits, strategies, risk and cost as well as challenges and areas of focus like updating the user interface and data modernization. The second article, […]
ArticlesBlockchain Works With Systems of Record to Integrate Data
May 1, 2017
Distributed ledger technology blockchain links with existing systems of record (SOR) application servers and data managers. They share information and assets securely and immutably between external parties. It can be used to track the lifecycle of a car, a financial transaction or sources of food ingredients. (Learn more about how various industries are using the […]
Aggregate Content for IBM Z Products With IBM Doc Buddy V2
September 29, 2017
IBM Doc Buddy is a mobile app that enables you to search error messages of IBM Z software products.
ArticlesIBM Z Pervasive Encryption Marks a Paradigm Shift for Security
July 17, 2017
Trust is the currency that drives the new economy. It’s the foundation of digital relationships and demands security, transparency and greater value in every interaction and transaction. That’s among the reasons IBM equipped the new z14 system with pervasive encryption. Transitioning away from selective encryption to end-to-end protection helps organizations secure all of their enterprise […]
ArticlesIBM Lab Services Helps Clients Stay Vigilant Against Data Hackers
June 1, 2017
In July 2015, an operator noticed some heavy UNIX* System Service (USS) activity that seemed highly suspicious. Some scripts were sending spam messages all over the world from the client’s mainframe. The client called IBM Systems Lab Services for z Systems* and LinuxONE*, and the Lab Services team sprang into action. The team of highly […]
ArticlesBenefit From Non-Disruptive Modernization With IBM API Connect
May 15, 2017
This is the third article in a series about modernization of enterprise applications. The first article, Modernize Legacy Systems to Enable Full Potential, gives an overview of legacy systems, modernization tactics, benefits, strategies, risk and cost as well as challenges and areas of focus like updating the user interface and data modernization. The second article, […]
ArticlesBlockchain Works With Systems of Record to Integrate Data
May 1, 2017
Distributed ledger technology blockchain links with existing systems of record (SOR) application servers and data managers. They share information and assets securely and immutably between external parties. It can be used to track the lifecycle of a car, a financial transaction or sources of food ingredients. (Learn more about how various industries are using the […]