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Mainframe Master Innovations

June 19, 2023

Reg Harbeck and seven mainframe luminaries weigh in on why the mainframe has enjoyed ongoing success and delve into the platform's value and irrepressible excellence


A New Resource for Open-Source Communities

Neil Tardy

November 7, 2022

It’s estimated that around 70% of the world’s Fortune 500 companies use IBM mainframes. Of course this comes as no surprise to mainframers who have long been exposed to these factoids. But for the mainframe to continue to grow—and specifically, to attract the next generation of technologists to the platform—its presence must expand beyond the […]


A NextGen Mainframer Succession Story

Reg Harbeck

September 21, 2020

Dr. Cameron Seay (currently an adjunct professor at East Carolina University; IBM Champion for System Z; and Chair, Open Mainframe Project COBOL Working Group) is one of my personal heroes. When we first met, we had each already begun our journeys of encouraging the development of a new generation of mainframers. My journey began in […]


4 Years: From Marketing Major to Mainframer

June 25, 2020

Four years ago, I was in an office building interviewing for a new position I knew nothing about. I had been working the past eight months doing a sales job that I took out of pure necessity. The real world had made me realize that my marketing degree was not worth nearly as much as […]


How Millennial Mainframers Can Solve Technology Problems

R.C. “Bob” Dirkes

January 23, 2020

In the book “Stop Guessing: The 9 Behaviors of Great Problem Solvers,” author Nat Greene asserts that poor problem-solving skills cost individuals and society incalculable amounts of time and money. “We waste so much time, money and frustration on bad solutions,” Greene said during a 2017 interview. “I hate that good people have to put up […]