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How to Position Your Organization for Successful IT Modernization


November 9, 2022

As IT environments evolve, so do security and modernization strategies. And while there are not any “one-size-fits-all” modernization solutions, there are certainly ways to position your organization for a successful IT environment modernization plan poised to meet business needs.   According to Ensono’s Oliver Presland, for example, successfully laying out your modernization plan begins with […]


Pat Stanard on Mainframe Optimization Versus Modernization

Reg Harbeck

September 5, 2022

Reg Harbeck: Hi. I’m Reg Harbeck, and today I’m here with Pat Stanard, who is the chief mainframe architect for Kyndryl US—which is, in my opinion, a pretty impressive title. Pat, great to meet you. Tell me, how did you end up in the world of mainframe? Pat Stanard: Hey, Reg. Hey, it’s good to […]


Rehost or Refactor: Modernizing Legacy Applications

Mike Benson

August 16, 2022

Nothing happens in a vacuum. No one wakes up one morning and decides to embark on a digital transformation strategy because it’s nice to have newer technology. No: There are very real business drivers that lead companies and institutions to make this journey. All of these business drivers can be categorized as relating to either […]


Why Ansible Is Emerging as a Top Automation Tool for Mainframes

Trevor Eddolls

August 12, 2022

Mainframe sites used to be like small factories in terms of the number of people that were needed to keep the machine running. There were lots of operators who spent their time feeding in card decks and changing tapes on the tape drives. There were systems programmers and application programmers, and a whole host of […]


Future-Proof Your IBM i Applications

Dan Magid

July 20, 2022

A look at top IBM i concerns, and how to address them through determining best practices for modernization, security, and future planning for IBM i applications


Women of COBOL Episode 3: The Case for Modernization


July 14, 2022

Misty Decker: Hi and welcome to Women of COBOL, our third episode, today. We are going to be talking with Marianne Bellotti—the author of my favorite book, “Kill it with Fire”; if you don’t have it, you need it—and Susan Drennan, vice president of COBOL sales at Micro Focus. We’re going to be talking about […]


Unlocking IBM i Applications for a Competitive Edge in the Digital Economy

Brian Silverman

July 13, 2022

Gartner defines digitalization as, “The use of digital technologies to change a business model and provide new revenue and value-producing opportunities; …the process of moving to a digital business.” The digital economy is about leveraging information technology to be the enabler of innovation in companies. Are you supporting mobile connectivity to your business? According to Forbes, “Collectively, we […]


Modernization and the Mainframe as a Service

Trevor Eddolls

July 11, 2022

It’s a well-rehearsed argument that experienced mainframe staff are, generally, getting older and looking forward to their retirement. Not only did the pandemic prompt many people to re-evaluate their lives, but it was among the biggest factors leading to the recent wave of resignations. This has led many organizations to consider the future of their […]


Russ Teubner on the Power of Automation and Modernization

June 16, 2022

Reg Harbeck: Hi. I’m Reg Harbeck and today I’m here with Russ Teubner, cofounder and CEO of Hostbridge Technology. Russ, welcome. Tell us about yourself. How did you end up in the world of mainframe? Russ Teubner: Hi Reg. Well, first of all, thank you very much for the opportunity to visit today. Wow, how […]

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Steve Will on POWERUp, Merlin and His Promotion to Distinguished Engineer

Neil Tardy

June 10, 2022

As chief architect for IBM i, a significant part of Steve Will’s job is simply to talk about the platform, to inform and educate the user community. Last month’s COMMON POWERUp 2022 event, the first such in-person conference in three years, Will quickly realized how much he’d missed those conversations. Of the week’s many great […]