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IBM Virtual Event Highlights the Latest on Power10 and News on AIX Toolbox Open-Source Support

Rob McNelly

July 1, 2022

IBM is hosting a Power10 virtual event on Thursday, July 14, at 11 a.m. EDT. You can register here and you’ll find the event description below: “Businesses are facing continued uncertainties. Resource availability. Volatility in demand and in costs. Now, more than ever, this requires flexible and reliable technology to deliver. Join us for a […]


Database Tasks in Access Client Solutions

Dawn May

June 30, 2022

Users getting acquainted with New Navigator may have noticed that it does not have the database tasks found in Heritage Navigator. This is because Access Client Solutions is where database tasks are now located, within Schemas and the SQL Performance Center. If you compare the actions in Schemas tasks between ACS and Heritage Navigator, you […]


‘No Job Log’ and More Hidden IBM i 7.5 Gems

Dawn May

June 8, 2022

This post continues reviewing some hidden gems in the 7.5 release, reviewing three IBM Ideas—also known as Requests for Enhancements (RFEs)—delivered in the 7.5 release. These changes may be small, but can lead to big improvements in managing your environment: 1. Eliminate QZSHSH and QP0ZSPWP/T job logs with ‘no job log’ If you have a […]


The New IBM ESS 3500 Unlocks the Power of Data

Dava Stewart

June 3, 2022

Companies today know that operational insights are inherent in their data. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have the power to unlock that value, but data complexity and silos make accessing, analyzing, and acting on stored data difficult. The recently announced IBM ESS 3500 global data platform addresses these challenges, making data delivery for […]


IBM i 7.5: New System Limits and More Hidden Gems

Dawn May

May 16, 2022

I’ve been reviewing the documentation about IBM i 7.5 and have discovered more hidden gems. Continuing from the post last week, here are more of my favorites: Historical Data Collection Is on by Default I submitted an IBM Idea asking that Collection Services enable historical data by default. I am happy to report this feature […]


Filtering IP Addresses With AIX IPSec

Chris Gibson

May 10, 2022

I want to deny IP address from accessing my AIX system (for inbound connections). The first step is to enable IPSec on the AIX. This example is for ipsec_v4. # smit ipsec4 --> Start/Stop IP Security --> Start IP Security Start IP Security [Now and After Reboot] + Deny All Non_Secure IP Packets [no] […]


Use Nginx to Make Web Content Zoom!

Jesse Gorzinski

May 9, 2022

In my previous blog post, I talked about some open-source “hidden gems.” They can do everything from processing JSON to analyzing disk space. Coincidentally, as I started this blog, I opened a poll on Twitter. Of course, this data set isn’t significant enough to form large conclusions, but I was surprised by the results. I […]


A Look at IBM i 7.5 and Merlin

Paul Tuohy

May 5, 2022

Paul Tuohy: Hi everyone and welcome to another iTalk with Tuohy. Delighted to be joined today by not one person but two people and two of my favorite people to do iTalks with. You can probably guess who they are given the time of year it is and what’s going on this week or in […]


Routing Work by User Profile and More Hidden IBM i 7.5 and IBM i 7.4 TR6 Gems

Dawn May

May 3, 2022

IBM has announced IBM i 7.5 and IBM i 7.4 TR6. A new release is a big deal and there are a huge number of great enhancements. Steve Will’s article, Announcing IBM i 7.5, 7.4 TR6, IBM i Merlin, is one of the best places to start for an overall review. You should also listen […]


Announcing IBM i 7.5, 7.4 TR6, IBM i Merlin

Steve Will

May 3, 2022

IBM has unveiled the next major release of IBM i—7.5—as well as IBM i 7.4 TR6 and a brand new product called Merlin. Get the details in this blog from Steve Will.