Zowe LTS V2 Key Features, How Open Mainframe Project’s Zowe Has Evolved and More
July 14, 2022
Four years ago, Open Mainframe Project’s Zowe was spawned from the collective realization among mainframers that the silo is no longer suitable. With its second version announced in May, the open-source framework features expanded capabilities and a rapidly growing user base that’s using its tools to securely modernize mainframe environments. The “silo” is a familiar concept […]
ArticlesIBM Bolsters Power10 Servers With Scalability and Security Capabilities for Hybrid Cloud
July 12, 2022
IBM today took a big step to expand its Power10 server enterprise presence with the introduction of scale-out systems designed to modernize, secure and automate business applications and IT operations, particularly in hybrid cloud environments. A Look at the New Servers The latest Power10 servers meld performance, scalability, flexibility and top-notch reliability and security with […]
ArticlesIBM Expands the Power10 Portfolio
July 12, 2022
Today, IBM announced that it has expanded its Power10 portfolio. First introduced in September 2021, Power10 was designed to meet the needs of enterprise-level organizations. The newly announced portfolio additions bring the same advantages to mid-sized and small organizations with mid-range and scale-out systems. These products are designed to help smaller and mid-sized organizations improve […]
ArticlesIBM Virtual Event Highlights the Latest on Power10 and News on AIX Toolbox Open-Source Support
July 1, 2022
Rob McNelly looks at an upcoming IBM virtual event, an IBM Support update for AIX Toolbox open-source software and more
ArticlesDatabase Tasks in Access Client Solutions
June 30, 2022
Users getting acquainted with New Navigator may have noticed that it does not have the database tasks found in Heritage Navigator. This is because Access Client Solutions is where database tasks are now located, within Schemas and the SQL Performance Center. If you compare the actions in Schemas tasks between ACS and Heritage Navigator, you […]
‘No Job Log’ and More Hidden IBM i 7.5 Gems
June 8, 2022
This post continues reviewing some hidden gems in the 7.5 release, reviewing three IBM Ideas—also known as Requests for Enhancements (RFEs)—delivered in the 7.5 release. These changes may be small, but can lead to big improvements in managing your environment: 1. Eliminate QZSHSH and QP0ZSPWP/T job logs with ‘no job log’ If you have a […]
ArticlesThe New IBM ESS 3500 Unlocks the Power of Data
June 3, 2022
Companies today know that operational insights are inherent in their data. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have the power to unlock that value, but data complexity and silos make accessing, analyzing, and acting on stored data difficult. The recently announced IBM ESS 3500 global data platform addresses these challenges, making data delivery for […]
ArticlesIBM i 7.5: New System Limits and More Hidden Gems
May 16, 2022
I’ve been reviewing the documentation about IBM i 7.5 and have discovered more hidden gems. Continuing from the post last week, here are more of my favorites: Historical Data Collection Is on by Default I submitted an IBM Idea asking that Collection Services enable historical data by default. I am happy to report this feature […]
ArticlesFiltering IP Addresses With AIX IPSec
May 10, 2022
Do you need to block a specific IP address or host from accessing your AIX system? One approach is to use AIX IP security (IPSec) to filter specific IP addresses. Learn how here.
ArticlesUse Nginx to Make Web Content Zoom!
May 9, 2022
In this blog from Jesse Gorzinski, learn why nginx might be the biggest hidden gem in the open-source ecosystem