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Application Testing: You Need It When You Need It

Charlie Guarino

May 30, 2024

Polverini & Partners CTO Pascal Polverini on the critical role of testing in IBM i application development


Advice From an IBM i Developer: Just Get Out There

Charlie Guarino

October 2, 2023

This transcript is edited for clarity. Charlie Guarino: Hi everybody. Welcome to TechTalk SMB. Today I am meeting with Joseph Wright, who is an independent consultant. His company is Wright 400 Inc., and he is located in Southern California. I had the unique opportunity and pleasure to meet with Joseph at a recent conference at […]


A Recap of IBM Think 2023

Laura DiDio

May 17, 2023

IBM held its Think 2023 conference in Orlando, Florida, last week, where it was announced that the company is celebrating the 35th anniversary of IBM i by reaffirming its commitment to the legacy Power server-based operating system, expanding its functionality with Technology Refreshes and offering new subscription licensing options. In a recent call with industry […]


Announcing IBM i 7.5 TR2 and 7.4 TR8

Steve Will

April 11, 2023

Spring has begun, and that means it’s time for yet another IBM i announcement. The team has been hard at work addressing many customer requests, and today, we are announcing Technology Refreshes together with other important updates from IBM. We have announcements for IBM i 7.5 TR2 and 7.4 TR8, as well as IBM Rational […]


Mike Pavlak on the Mainstreaming of Open-Source Technology

Charlie Guarino

July 14, 2022

Charlie Guarino: Hi everybody. This is Charlie Guarino. Welcome to another edition of TechTalk SMB. As always, I am always thrilled to have these great guests and this month is no exception. I’m sitting here today with Mike Pavlak who I’ve known for many, many years, a very good friend. Mike has been working with […]


How to Leverage RPG and RDi as Modern Development Business Tools

February 13, 2022

RPG is more than a programming language—it’s a business tool that’s integrated neatly within IBM i, making it a must-have in any developer’s toolkit. Combined, RDi serves as an extension of RPG’s capabilities. This e-book features insight from experts including IBM’s Tim Rowe, Central Park Data Systems’ Charlie Guarino and veteran RPG programmer and developer […]


Steve Ferrell on RDi Development

Charlie Guarino

February 1, 2022

Charlie Guarino: Hi everybody. This is Charlie Guarino. Welcome to another edition of TechTalk SMB. I'm very happy today to be joined by the principal software engineer and the team lead of Rational Developer for IBM i (RDi) at HelpSystems, Steve Ferrell. Steve, welcome to the podcast today.   Steve Ferrell: Thanks, Charlie. Glad to be here. […]


What You Need to Know About Hiring for IBM i in 2021

Jim Buck

July 14, 2021

A major shift in the workforce since the pandemic hit in 2020 has greatly impacted just about every industry, including IBM i. With the shift to work from home and many industries negatively affected by cutbacks and closures, numerous professionals are seeking less traditional means of employment. For the IBM i industry, these changes can […]


Where to Find the Next Generation of IBM i Developers

Jim Buck

June 14, 2021

Finding qualified developers is the single most important issue employers on IBM i face today. The issue is two-fold: there are less people in the workforce with IBM i experience and many developers with experience don’t have the modern knowledge to stay current. Today’s college degrees very seldom, if ever, contain IBM i education leaving very […]


Tom Huntington on the 2020 HelpSystems Survey and the Effects of the Pandemic

Paul Tuohy

March 2, 2021

Paul Tuohy: Hi everybody. Welcome to another iTalk with Tuohy. So actually it seems like the other day that we were talking Tom and it pretty much was so—   Tom Huntington: Right. It was.   Paul: I’m joined today by Tom Huntington, who is the executive VP of Technical Solutions on HelpSystems, and we […]