Creating Web Services With Integrated Web Services
February 17, 2016
Back in 2012 we published the article “Need a REST?” where we described the basics of developing a simple REST** Web service in RPG. At the time we noted that although IBM’s Integrated Web Services (IWS) could have been used for this task, it only generated SOAP Web services and that this was overkill for […]
ArticlesRecycling RPG Programs as Stored Procedures, Part 2
April 18, 2012
Returning a result set using an SQL cursor; details on V7.1 support for RPG
ArticlesRecycling RPG as Stored Procedures
March 21, 2012
This article outlines the basics of turning an RPG program into a stored procedure
ArticlesBuilding REST Web Services With RPG
February 22, 2012
This month’s article begins the process of answering one of the most common questions we’re asked lately: How do I create a Web service? Many people are now turning to RESTful Web services.
ArticlesDebugging RPG IV Programs: The Green-Screen Way
December 1, 2007
Learn the secrets to debugging in green screen.