The Cost of Enterprise Downtime
September 30, 2021
Enterprise downtime is now more expensive than ever: Some 44% of firms indicate that hourly downtime costs exceed $1 million to over $5 million, exclusive of any legal fees, fines or penalties. Additionally, 91% organizations said a single hour of downtime that takes mission-critical server hardware and applications offline, averages over $300,000 due to lost […]
ArticlesThe Importance of Cloud-Based HA/DR Technology
September 30, 2021
For many organizations, budgeting discussions for disaster recovery (DR) and high availability (HA) have played out in a similar manner for decades: The IT department asks to spend a set amount for capital expenditures and a set amount for operating expenses. However, the infrastructure needed to back up the data center and networks in case […]
ArticlesInstalling an ifix With AIX Live Update
September 1, 2021
Chris Gibson explains how to install an AIX security ifix without a reboot
E-BooksTechChannel E-book: Why Knowing Your Organization’s Security Needs Can Help Keep Data Locked Down
June 7, 2021
IBM Power Systems hardware and AIX are innately secure—but even top-notch security requires monitoring, patching and security planning to guard against bad actors and keep data locked down. Complacency is a recipe for disaster when it comes to security. An effective security plan requires a multilayered approach that starts with people, then physical security measures, […]
ArticlesAnnouncing IBM i 7.4 TR4 and 7.3 TR10
April 13, 2021
Today, IBM announced the latest round of technology refreshes (TRs)—IBM i 7.4 TR4 and 7.3 TR10. With these latest updates, IBM has prioritized extending automation across various components of the IBM i OS—including the database, security and high availability. IBM i 7.4 TR4 and 7.3 TR10 deliver the following new features: Db2 for i enhancements, including […]
Is Your Mainframe an Unguarded Fortress?
April 12, 2021
Why too many organizations fail to implement adequate security measures on their mainframe operations and how to effectively guard your IBM Z
ArticlesAIX Security and IBM i TR Announcement Highlights
November 30, 2020
Technical Editor Rob McNelly breaks down the latest IBM i and AIX announcements
ArticlesAnnouncing IBM i 7.4 and Db2 Mirror for i
April 23, 2019
IBM has announced IBM i 7.4, and a new licensed program product called IBM Db2 Mirror for i.
ArticlesTokenized Encryption Helps Merchants Tackle Security Challenges
May 1, 2018
As threats to data security proliferate, the actions taken by the governing bodies are evolving. The governing authority for credit card data is the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Security Standards Council (SSC), which was built by the card brands: Visa, MC, Discover, American Express and JCB. The PCI provides the best practices security standards for […]
ArticlesIBM Beefs Up PowerSC GUI
November 1, 2017
Some early PowerSC commands have been wrapped into a GUI that makes once-opaque security and compliance tools more transparent and significantly easier to use.