CISOs: What’s at the Top of Your Cybersecurity List?
June 21, 2023
While the mainframe may be the most securable platform on the planet, it doesn’t come that way automatically. As the bad actors get smarter and threat vectors increase, the mainframe is at risk for data breaches and other incidents like any other server. Whenever my team and I carry out security assessments and penetration tests, […]
E-BooksSecuring Your Business in an Ever-Changing IT Landscape
May 10, 2023
Fortra's Amy Williams and IBM Security Evangelist Westley McDuffie on how to protect your business from constant security threats, using tactics like penetration testing and strategies like zero trust
E-BooksNavigating the Ever-Changing Security Landscape
May 10, 2023
In this TechChannel e-book, Iconium Software's Rick Jones and IBM Security Evangelist Westley McDuffie discuss how to protect your business and your data against persistent security threats
PodcastsDebbie Saugen on IBM i Backup and Recovery
May 1, 2023
This transcript is lightly edited for clarity. Charlie Guarino: Hi everybody. This is Charlie Guarino. I’m sitting here today with Ms. Debbie Saugen of Debbie Saugen Consulting. Debbie, you and I have known each other for quite some time and I know you are the recognized worldwide expert on IBM i backup and recovery, […]
ArticlesIBM Bolsters z16 and LinuxONE 4 Security, Sustainability With New Configurations
April 4, 2023
IBM adds z16 and IBM LinuxONE 4 offerings that deliver 75% percent energy reduction; 67% space savings in on-premises and hybrid cloud data centers
IBM and Cohesity Collaborate to Offer New Security Solution
March 3, 2023
On March 2, IBM announced that it is partnering with Cohesity to offer a new Storage Defender solution that includes IBM Storage Protect, IBM Storage FlashSystems, IBM Storage Fusion, and Cohesity DataProtect. IBM Storage Defender uses AI and event monitoring to combat the impacts of breaches and cyberattacks as security risks rise in today’s data-driven […]
PodcastsWestley McDuffie on Zero Trust and Data Security
February 1, 2023
Charlie Guarino: Hi everybody. Welcome to yet another edition of TechTalk SMB. In today’s podcast I am really thrilled to be sitting here with Westley McDuffie. Westley is an IBM security evangelist working with the federal sales team supporting DOD and the intelligence community clients. Westley is responsible for educating IBM’s federal customers, from building […]
ArticlesIBM Announces Diamondback Tape Library
October 20, 2022
Today, IBM announced its latest archival storage solution: IBM Diamondback Tape Library. An extension of IBM’s comprehensive portfolio of data resilience solutions, IBM Diamondback is designed for organizations seeking to store hundreds of petabytes (PB) of data both securely and sustainably. This cost-effective storage solution enhances sustainability with its energy-efficient infrastructure and reduced environmental impact. […]
ArticlesOpen Firmware Macros Tips, and a Closer Look at Power10 Servers
September 2, 2022
Rob McNelly highlights tips on open firmware macros, recaps Nigel Griffith’s closer look at Power10 Servers, explores AIX security bulletins and more
PodcastsJohn Connors and Milt Rosberg on Mainframe Security and Pervasive Encryption
August 4, 2022
Reg Harbeck: Hi, I’m Reg Harbeck and today I’m here with Milt Rosberg, who is global VP at Vanguard Integrity Professionals, and John Connors, who is CEO at Vanguard Integrity Professionals. And so John, maybe if you could tell us: How did you end up in the world of mainframe and security? John Connors: Well […]
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