IT Consolidation Is Both an Art and a Science
January 29, 2018
You might find the phrase “IT consolidation” to be cold or even unimaginative, so how can it be both an art and a science?
ArticlesIBM Z Offerings Help Clients Take Advantage of the Cloud
November 1, 2017
The cloud was once considered simply part of the computing stack—an extension of the data center that hosted non-critical applications and data sets seemingly in the air. Now for many organizations, however, it’s become an essential part of operations, allowing them to more quickly deploy new technologies and nimbly respond to changing market forces. As […]
ArticlesPromoting IBM i—TCO, TCA, Reliability and Strategy
September 20, 2017
How to promote the value of IBM i through TCO, TCA, reliability and strategy.
ArticlesIT Operational Analytics Tools Can Provide a View of Management Data
August 1, 2017
IT and business management are increasingly concerned with the rising costs associated with their highly complex and ever-growing mainframe and distributed systems data centers. They are also concerned about controlling outages and mitigating the lack of transparency they have—including in their outsourced environments. Wide View Needed CIOs, IT managers and line-of-business managers don’t have unhindered […]
ArticlesIBM Z Pervasive Encryption Marks a Paradigm Shift for Security
July 17, 2017
Trust is the currency that drives the new economy. It’s the foundation of digital relationships and demands security, transparency and greater value in every interaction and transaction. That’s among the reasons IBM equipped the new z14 system with pervasive encryption. Transitioning away from selective encryption to end-to-end protection helps organizations secure all of their enterprise […]
Blockchain Is Set to Streamline Markets and Transform Industries
May 1, 2017
Business is built on trust. The seller needs to trust the buyer to pay for goods. The buyer needs to trust that the seller will deliver those goods, and that they have the right to sell them to begin with. Financial institutions must trust one another to settle transactions. Other examples abound. To create an […]
ArticlesIBM Researchers Use Machine Learning to Make Storage Smarter
May 1, 2017
With the goal of helping us learn more about the universe, IBM and the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy (ASTRON) are collaborating on the IT roadmap behind the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), which will be the largest radio telescope in the world ( As part of this effort, called the DOME project, IBM developed a […]
ArticlesWhy Organizations Should Reconsider Their Current Chargeback Systems
April 1, 2017
Imagine Mary, Fred and George are gathered for a budget meeting with Ellen, their company’s CIO, to discuss another budget shortfall. Ellen asks, “What caused this million-dollar shortfall?” George says, “We think it’s related to the decision by accounting to shift one of their major workloads from our Power Systems* platforms to our VMware tower. […]