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Subhasish Sarkar on Being Active as a Mainframer

Reg Harbeck

December 1, 2020

Reg Harbeck: Hi, this is Reg Harbeck and today I'm here with my fellow IBM mainframe Champion, Subhasish Sarkar. Subhasish is based in India and he is a very, very, very active mainframer. I just, my mind boggles at how much stuff this guy does, and so I'm just really delighted to be interviewing him […]


Get Involved With the IBM Community

Courtney Welu

November 17, 2020

Innovation has become a regular part of the technology industry. But the community in this industry can be just as influential as technological innovation—something that’s become increasingly clear since the IBM Community was created two years ago. In that short amount of time, the IBM Community has grown to over 76,000 active members, and ranges […]


Open Mainframe Summit Celebrates Successful First Annual Event

Courtney Welu

October 26, 2020

On Sept. 16 and 17, 2020, the Open Mainframe Project held the first inaugural Open Mainframe Summit, which brought together several members of the IBM Z® community, including students, educators and industry professionals, to share their insights on the mainframe. The virtual event gave mainframers a chance to connect online to share best practices, discuss […]


Janet Sun on Her 25 Years of SHARE

Reg Harbeck

October 1, 2020

Reg Harbeck: Hi, this is Reg Harbeck and today I’m here with my friend, Janet Sun. Janet is, in my opinion, an amazing person. She has been a mainframe volunteer at SHARE, a volunteer, in fact, a past SHARE president. She has been involved in various aspects of the mainframe her whole career and she’s […]


Marlaina Chirdon on Assembler, IBM Z User Groups and zNextGen

Reg Harbeck

January 2, 2020

Reg Harbeck: Hi, this is Reg Harbeck and I'm here today with my friend Marlaina Chirdon who is somebody I've known for quite a while which considering that she is still a relatively new mainframer but we've worked at the same employer. We've had a shared mentor but before I spend too much time introducing […]


Women in IT Value Community and Mentorship

Dava Stewart

December 19, 2019

As anyone associated with the industry can tell you, far more men than women have followed career paths in IT—but that trend has been shifting. To amplify the voices of women who are making their own path in IT and innovating on the IBM Z platform, IBM Systems magazine interviewed a group of IT professionals […]


SHARE Women in IT Effort Works to Increase Representation and Support Those in the Tech Industry

Keelia Estrada Moeller

July 17, 2019

SHARE recently launched a new effort to encourage more women to pursue careers in technology, increase representation at the conference, and support women already working in the industry. The result of this Women in IT initiative became clear back in March 2019 at SHARE Phoenix, where several sessions focused on women in technology and shattering […]


Barry Merrill on SAS, MXG and His Button Collection

Reg Harbeck

May 1, 2019

Reg Harbeck: Hi. This is Reg Harbeck and I’m here with Barry Merrill who is somebody who has worked with all kinds of interesting data on the mainframe. Barry, maybe you could start by telling us, how did you end up on the mainframe? Barry Merrill: Well what happened was, my brief career started actually […]


Crossing the IBM Z Skills Gap

Adam Oxford

May 1, 2019

Hundreds of people from more than 35 cities in a dozen countries around the world came together in the biggest annual celebration of coding for IBM’s mainframe platform—Legends of Z. The event, held the week of Oct. 5, drew participants from Kathmandu, Nepal, to Sacramento, California, and challenged young developers to be creative as they […]


Unlocking New Doors

Holly Eamon

May 1, 2019

Three years after its launch, the Open Mainframe Project has achieved success by: Helping increase collaboration throughout the mainframe community Proving the platform’s significance Attracting future mainframers to IBM Z The most notable announcement made by the Open Mainframe Project so far at SHARE in August 2018: Zowe, the first open-source project based on z/OS. […]