A Timeline of Mainframe Innovation
June 20, 2024
IBM Champion Reg Harbeck outlines the history of the IBM Z mainframe and highlights its impacts over the past six decades
ArticlesPOSIX-tivity and IBM Z
August 17, 2023
“Standard,” according to en.wiktionary.org, can be used as a noun that means, “Something used as a measure for comparative evaluations; a model.” The history of standards is a deeply interwoven thread through the history of humanity. But the emergence of computing and IT over the past century has been a somewhat special yarn. On one […]
ArticlesPerformance and Management Tools for AIX and Power Systems: Features and Use Cases
December 7, 2021
While monitoring and management solutions perform somewhat similar tasks, they’ve traditionally served different enough functions to keep them from being optimally paired as a collaborative unit. Management tools ensure that your system is available, configured properly or optimized and its components are connected correctly and as expected, whereas monitoring tools look for overall system, communication, […]
ArticlesPower Systems Best Practices Doc Updated, dnf, New IBM Customer Support Portals and More.
June 15, 2021
The Power Implementation Quality Standard for Commercial Workloads document has been updated. Download Version 2.4 (June 2021) here. This presentation details the expected best practices implementation guidelines for Power Systems hardware, including virtualized systems. As you go through it, notice that, starting with page 9, there’s typically an indicator (in red and in parenthesis) of […]
ArticlesCompanies Are Taking a Fresh Approach to Private Cloud
November 1, 2018
Businesses turn to the cloud for myriad reasons. Chief among them are accelerating and streamlining processes in environments such as the IBM Power Systems* platform, which enable increased speed of execution, agility for applications and better cost efficiency. “Organizations are concerned about time to market and how long it’s going to take to get IT […]
Secure Service Containers and Consumption-Based Pricing Enable Opportunity
November 1, 2018
Organizations are eager to capture opportunities that beckon in the marketplace. They know that new and modernized applications are necessary to better serve customers. Organizations also realize that, now more than ever, security remains crucial to business success. In October, IBM announced IBM Secure Service Containers, a new offering that provides benefits for security, as […]
ArticlesRabobank Transforms Its Payments System With DevOps on IBM Z
July 1, 2018
When global financial services provider Rabobank decided to renovate its payments system four years ago, it took a broad view of the project. The bank assessed its hardware, its payments processing requirements and the need for end-to-end testing of its processes. The result was a payments system built on IBM Z* using DevOps to provide […]
ArticlesIBM z14 Model ZR1 Is Ready for Cloud, Pervasive Encryption and More
May 1, 2018
How can medium-sized businesses solve the conundrum of scaling for business growth with ease and confidence? The answer is the latest lean, mean and super fast player in the IBM Z* product line, the IBM z14* Model ZR1. It hits the field of play with a complete new physical system design. In a world where […]
ArticlesCentralized Cloud and Security Management Empowers IT
April 1, 2018
For IBM Power Systems clients, transforming their virtualized data center into a self-service private cloud and protecting it with automated security management just became an easier and more powerful proposition. IBM has introduced important new capabilities by advancing IBM Power Security Center (PowerSC) and Power Virtualization Center (PowerVC) software. Both were recently announced at Think […]
ArticlesUse z/OS Resources and Tools for Data Protection
October 2, 2017
The IBM z/OS* platform, with its unmatched reliability, availability and serviceability, outstanding I/O bandwidth and secure environment, provides an excellent platform for data protection. This is especially true if that client data already is on the mainframe, as the features of this hardware and software platform promote reliable and scalable data protection. If your organization […]