Andrea Fletcher, Software Developer, Lincoln Heritage Life Insurance Company

Name: Andrea Fletcher Title: Software developer Company Name: Lincoln Heritage Life Insurance Company Company’s Function: Final expense insurance HQ: Phoenix Years in IT: 3 |
The biggest challenge our data center is facing today is the rest of the company’s perception of what IT does.
My favorite activity outside of work is any DIY activity. I like to find anything and everything to build, remodel or fix.
The next big thing for our business will be a web interface for our customers to access their information.
My favorite IBM product is IBM Watson* technology.
If I weren’t in IT, I’d be in the medical field. I’ve always thought it would be interesting to be an investigator of some sort.
My favorite musical artist is Celine Dion.
The best movie I’ve seen recently is “Gifted.”
My guilty pleasure is watching reality TV.
My favorite or most impacting book is “The Help” by Kathryn Stockett.
If money were no object, the one thing I’d purchase is an island.
The innovation that’s made the biggest impact on my life is the internet!
The geekiest thing I’ve ever owned is a 3-D printer.
If I were stuck on a desert island, the one item I’d want is a sharp knife.
My greatest mentor has been Jim Buck.
The trend affecting my work is our customer’s desire for constant availability of information.
The favorite part of my day is sunset. I love hiking or driving up a mountain just before sunset and watching the sun set over the city.
The business skill I’d most like to acquire or improve is becoming better at testing my code.
I ended up in IT when I decided it was time to start doing work that I could really enjoy.