Dawn May
Dawn May is an IBM i consultant. She owns Dawn May Consulting, LLC in the Greater Boston area. Dawn is also a former Senior Technical Staff Member with IBM.
The QDFTSVR Job Description
October 25, 2018
QDFTSVR parameter settings provided by IBM with a description of why these settings are selected for prestart jobs
ArticlesQSYS2.ACTIVE_JOB_INFO Service Enhancements: QTEMP_SIZE and Much More
September 25, 2018
Several enhancements to IBM i services were announced with IBM i 7.3 TR5 and IBM i 7.2 TR9.
ArticlesIBM i Access Client Solutions: IFS Properties
September 11, 2018
Dawn May reviews the improved "Properties" feature added to the IFS support in ACS.
ArticlesWork With Active Prestart Jobs
September 5, 2018
This blog will review features of Work with Active Jobs (WRKACTJOB) that make finding prestart jobs easier
ArticlesPrestart Jobs and Server Jobs
August 16, 2018
IBM i expert Dawn May on the user interface for displaying server jobs and how to manage your prestart server jobs
ArticlesIBM i System Supplied Prestart Job Entries
June 29, 2018
Prestart job entries that ship with the system in the QSYSWRK, QUSRWRK and QSERVER subsystems.
ArticlesIntroduction to Prestart Jobs
June 18, 2018
Prestart jobs provide improved performance by allowing a job to be started prior to handling a work request and can be reused for multiple requests—but they can be difficult to manage.
ArticlesIBM i QSYS2.Services_Info and Navigator for i
May 10, 2018
The QSYS2.Services_Info service is an easy way to see all of the available services along with an example of each.
ArticlesImproved Temporary Storage Tracking for IBM i (Part 9)
April 26, 2018
IBM continues to enhance temporary storage tracking and management, which was significantly improved beginning with IBM i 7.2.
ArticlesCopy Performance Data using ACS IFS Tasks
April 18, 2018
Considerations for moving performance data to a different partition.