Dawn May
Dawn May is an IBM i consultant. She owns Dawn May Consulting, LLC in the Greater Boston area. Dawn is also a former Senior Technical Staff Member with IBM.
PM for Power Systems Is No More
November 24, 2020
PM for Power Systems was withdrawn, effective September 30, 2020. If you were using this service, you need to take some actions.
ArticlesSystems Management with IBM i Services
November 2, 2020
IBM i expert Dawn May gives a primer on IBM i Services for those who are new to the tool.
ArticlesNavigator for i Graph History: Enable Historical Data Collection
October 15, 2020
IBM i expert Dawn May continues her series about Navigator for i by discussing historical data.
ArticlesNavigator for i Graph History: Review Historical Data
October 15, 2020
IBM i expert Dawn May continues her series about Navigator for i by discussing historical data
ArticlesVirtual POWERUp 2020
September 17, 2020
The annual COMMON conference, POWERUp2020 is live this week as a virtual event. It’s sad that COMMON’s 60th anniversary cannot be celebrated in person, but the virtual conference is still a great opportunity for the best IBM i education in the industry. If you’re attending this event, you can network with speakers, partners, and other […]
ArticlesHTTP Server Statistics
September 9, 2020
Dawn May writes about four ways to access information about web performance.
ArticlesRecent Access Client Solutions Enhancements
August 6, 2020
Dawn May explains the latest ACS feature.
ArticlesAwesome Run SQL Scripts Enhancements
July 1, 2020
Get familiar with enhancements made to Access Client Solutions from the past few updates.
ArticlesPrestart Job Services
June 2, 2020
The Db2 Group PTF update introduces QSYS2.Prestart_Job_Info and QSYS2.Prestart_Job_Statistics, streamlining prestart job tuning with efficient, SQL-based tools.
ArticlesTake Advantage of Job Log Pending
May 14, 2020
IBM i expert Dawn May writes why you may want to consider this option for your job logs