Rob McNelly
Rob McNelly is a Senior AIX Solutions Architect doing pre-sales and post-sales support for IBM Premier Business Partner Meridian IT Inc. in Deerfield, Ill. He is a technical editor and a former administrator within IBM's Integrated Technology Delivery and Server Operations division. Rob was named an IBM Power Systems Champion (www.ibm.com/developerworks/champion) in October 2011. Rob can be reached at rob.mcnelly@gmail.com.
A note from Rob:
“I enjoy camping, hiking, biking and backpacking through the mountains of Arizona. I’ve also learned to enjoy Ragnar races, and sprint triathlons. I always look forward to spending time on Arizona’s closest beach which is located in Puerto Penasco, Mexico. I enjoy scuba diving from live-aboard diving boats. My favorite trip was hiking to the blue waters of Havasupai, and I’m planning on hiking the Grand Canyon in the near future. Long ago, I realized that I would rather live in a hot, dry climate than shovel snow.”
A New Resource for Linux on Power Developers
September 29, 2020
For a new resource guide, check out the logically and literally named Linux on Power Developer Portal.
ArticlesHanging Commands and Tasks on the HMC
September 22, 2020
Rob McNelly reveals the commonality that some problematic tasks share.
ArticlesFlashback in Amber and Green
September 15, 2020
Rob McNelly dips into 80s nostalgia and discovers how amazing it is to have a terminal and a PC on one desk.
ArticlesA Look at Recent POWER9 Enhancements, Updated Performance Numbers
September 8, 2020
Rob McNelly discovers another hack. This IBM Redpaper increased bandwidth and faster data transfers.
ArticlesDisplaying Virtual FC Adapter Stats
August 31, 2020
Rob McNelly shares a script that can make life easier when working with multiple VIO servers.
ArticlesA New IBM Option for Remote Test Environments
August 24, 2020
Rob McNelly explains why he's always been an advocate of using test systems.
ArticlesIt’s Time to Upgrade to VIOS 3.x
July 28, 2020
VIOS 2.6 is going out of support—and every prior 2.x version is already out of support. It's time to upgrade to 3.x.
ArticlesWhy I Enjoy Working Remotely
July 21, 2020
The technology, tips and tricks Rob McNelly has gained under his sleeve while working remotely all these years.
ArticlesMy Lucky Number
July 14, 2020
Thirteen years ago this week, my first AIXchange post went live for IBM Systems Magazine. You may notice that the above link takes you to RobMcNelly.com, my personal website and archive. Early this year, around the same time IBM developerWorks shut down, IBM Systems magazine redesigned its website. The decision was made to scale back the magazine […]
ArticlesWhen Looking for Answers, Don’t Discount Older Docs
July 7, 2020
While a lot of information is dated, it's still relevant. Old documentation and archives actually hold answers to a lot of our current questions.