Susan Gantner
Susan Gantner's career has spanned more than 30 years in the field of application development. She began as a programmer developing applications for corporations in Atlanta, working with a variety of hardware and software platforms. She joined IBM in 1985 and worked in Rochester for five years in the AS/400 Technical Support Center. She later moved to the IBM Toronto Software Laboratory to provide technical support for programming languages and AD tools on the AS/400. Susan left IBM in 1999. She is the co-owner of Partner400 (www.partner400.com) and a partner in System i Developer (www.systemideveloper.com). Her primary emphasis is on enabling customers to take advantage of the latest programming and database technologies on OS/400, i5/OS and now IBM i. Susan is a regular speaker at COMMON and other technical conferences around the world and holds a number of Speaker Excellence medals.
Debugging With RDi and Service Entry Points
September 8, 2020
IBM i experts Jon Paris and Susan Gantner explain debugging procedures for Rational Developer for i
ArticlesCelebrating 10 More Years of RPG Progress
February 3, 2020
IBM i experts Jon Paris and Susan Gantner reflect on a decade of progress for the RPG development language
ArticlesLittle Things Mean a Lot in RDi 9.6
November 8, 2019
IBM i development experts Jon Paris and Susan Gantner review new enhancements to RDi
ArticlesAn Introduction to Variable Field Lengths in RPG
September 16, 2019
RPG experts Jon Paris and Susan Gantner explain new capabilities available with the Fall 2019 IBM i TR
ArticlesWhy RPG Developers are Adopting RDi
February 1, 2019
In more and more shops, Rational Developer for IBM i (RDi) is rapidly taking over as the development platform of choice for RPGers
ArticlesYAJL Meets DATA-INTO
June 1, 2018
There’s now another even easier way in which you can apply YAJL to many tasks where you need to consume JSON
ArticlesWhat’s New in RDi With V9.6
January 1, 2018
IBM i developers got an early Christmas gift in 2017—a new version of RDi to play with! Here's an overview of some of the changes that we've found so far.