Valerie Dennis Craven
Valerie Dennis Craven is an independent writer and content strategist with over a decade of experience covering technology and how it impacts and helps users.
IBM Power Enhancements Focus on AI and Modern Workloads
December 13, 2024
Bargav Balakrishnan, vice president of product management at IBM Power, explains the recently announced advances
ArticlesEU Cybersecurity Regulations Impact Businesses Worldwide
June 28, 2024
Now is the time to review your business plan and goals to stay in compliance, says 21CS’s Rebecca Levesque
ArticlesGenerative AI Capabilities Come to IBM i
June 14, 2024
IBM i CTO Steve Will asks for community support in RPG-based large language model model creation
ArticlesHow DevOps and the IBM Z Digital Transformation Model Accelerate Innovation
July 1, 2018
As consumers’ demands and expectations of technology continue to change and advance, organizations must evolve to keep up. Those that aren’t innovating might be left behind with consumers moving on and competitors moving in. Staying ahead requires transformation. Organizations need a digital transformation strategy in place while providing value to customers. The developer community is […]
ArticlesGrowing up Around Computers and the IBM Culture Led Matthew Cousens to Work With the Mainframe
May 1, 2018
Since nearly the first time that Matthew Cousens touched a computer, he knew he wanted to work with them. Following in the footsteps of his grandparents and great-grandfather, his interests in computers led him to work at IBM. “Growing up in Poughkeepsie [New York] with the ‘PC bug,’ I hatched a plan: school at Marist […]
ArticlesReg Harbeck Loves Talking to and About the Mainframe Community and its Technology
March 1, 2018
Many mainframers have interacted with, attended a presentation by or are familiar with Reg Harbeck. The chief strategist at Mainframe Analytics is an experienced systems programmer and an active participant of mainframe culture and events. In an industry where introversion is a typical trait, he stands out as an extrovert ready to talk with anyone. […]
ArticlesInstructor Brings the Mainframe to Eager Students
February 1, 2018
Phil Grabowski is passionate about the power of the mainframe. At the recent SHARE user group event, he chartered a bus so 29 students could experience the platform firsthand.
ArticlesRocket President Encourages Employee Collaboration With House Band
October 1, 2017
Andy Youniss has been drawn to music for as long as he can remember. Both his parents played guitar, and the president and CEO of Rocket Software would ask them to teach it to him. When he was in second grade, his dad taught him three chords, and he’s been playing the instrument since. Two […]
ArticlesJava on z Systems Delivers Portability, Security and Other Benefits
July 24, 2017
As people expect quick, secure transactions available any time, anywhere, modernization and innovation on the mainframe are necessary to meet these needs. Java* is at the heart of such transformation. An IDC study, “The Business Value of the Connected Mainframe for Digital Transformation” (ibm.co/2pf8asQ), places Java at the center of both modernization and innovation on […]
ArticlesIBM Machine Learning for z/OS Announced
February 15, 2017
Organizations wanting to use machine learning to help solve their toughest business questions are challenged by the complexity of the tools involved and the skills needed. Business rules are changing, application developers can’t always keep up and models constantly need to be tuned. To stay ahead of this rapid pace, IBM today announces machine learning […]