TechChannel E-book: Why Knowing Your Organization’s Security Needs Can Help Keep Data Locked Down

IBM Power Systems hardware and AIX are innately secure—but even top-notch security requires monitoring, patching and security planning to guard against bad actors and keep data locked down.
Complacency is a recipe for disaster when it comes to security. An effective security plan requires a multilayered approach that starts with people, then physical security measures, then other various layers.
Many organizations believe that following security best practices can help guard against breaches. In some cases—they’re right. However, when adopting a best practice it’s key to know whether or not it applies to your organization, where it should be applied and when.
In this TechChannel e-book, Rob McNelly explains what questions you and your AIX network teams should be asking, and Patrick Botz explores why security best practices are more complex than they might seem.