IBM i Technology Updates Have a New Home
IBM i expert Dawn May shares how to find content previously housed on developerWorks.

For many years, IBM documented the latest information on the developerWorks platform. As we learned last fall, that platform is being sunset. After a brief moment of panic that important documentation would be lost, the IBM i team (at IBM) did the right thing by giving all that important documentation a new home.
The main IBM i landing page is now on IBM Developer. I like this page as it has links to articles and tutorials as well as the technology updates. The links on this page look like the old URLs, but they redirect to the new pages. I had book-marked several old pages on developerWorks, and it looks like most of them are now redirecting to the new pages.
I’ve found some links that still do not redirect, so perhaps this is not yet 100% complete, but good progress is being made and we can all sleep better knowing that important documentation is not lost.