Subsystem Management With Navigator for i, Part 2
Navigator has been updated to support the ability to create and change class objects, create and change job queues, and more.

Last year, I wrote about Subsystem Management with Navigator for i, which summarized the enhancements that were made to allow you to view and modify your subsystem configurations via the graphical user interface.
At the end of that article, I mentioned that if you need your own class or job queue, you had to create those via the green screen or use the Run Command task within the System tasks to create those.
I’m happy to share with you that Navigator has been updated to support the ability to create and change class objects, create and change job queues, create and change subsystem descriptions, and also to view and create job descriptions.
You will find all these tasks under Work Management in the left navigation frame. In the screen capture below, I have expanded Work Management and put a pink box around the tasks that are now available.
Select Job Descriptions to see a list of job descriptions that are in your library list. This behavior is the similar to the WRKJOBD command default, but rather than making you type in a name or *ALL, Navigator simply uses *ALL as the default. Use the “Include…” option to bring up a prompt similar to using F4 on the green screen. The screen capture below shows that “Include…” is found under the Actions drop-down.
The All Job Queues task will display all your job queues (similar to WRKJOBQ with no parameters specified). You can right-click on a job queue to bring up options to change, copy, delete or display it (see the screen capture below). You can use the tasks in the left navigation to manage a specific job queue, but you’ll need to know the name of the job queue you want to work with for those tasks.
As of today, the only limitation I’ve found in the Navigator interface is the inability to view all your class objects like WRKCLS provides.
Support for job queues and class objects was delivered in the October 2017 HTTP Group PTF and is available on all releases:
- 7.3 – SF99722 Level 11
- 7.2 – SF99713 Level 24
- 7.1 – SF99368 Level 50
Support for job descriptions was added in the December 2017 HTTP Group PTF and is available on all releases:
- 7.3 – SF99722 Level 13
- 7.2 – SF99713 Level 26
- 7.1 – SF99368 Level 52
I encourage you to install the latest HTTP Group PTF for your IBM i release and explore this new capability.