Migrating the Cluster Repository Disk
Rob McNelly highlights a post by Dino Quintero and Shawn Bodily where they explain how to migrate the cluster repository disk on PowerHA SystemMirror.

Dino Quintero (@DinoatRedbooks on Twitter) maintains a Redbooks blog on IBM developerWorks. In this post from April, he and Shawn Bodily explain how to migrate the cluster repository disk on PowerHA SystemMirror:
The following procedure is valid for clusters that are PowerHA SystemMirror v7.2.0 and later. Verify cluster level on any node in the cluster by executing the halevel -s command as follows:
TST[root@aixdc79p:/] # halevel -s
7.2.1 SP2
The repository disk is the only disk in the caavg_private volume group and requires special procedures. You do not use LVM on it. It is recommended to run a verification on the cluster prior to replacing a repository disk. If there are any errors, these must be addressed and corrected before replacing the repository disk.
To get started, go through these steps, which are detailed in the post:
clmgr verify cluster
bootinfo –s hdisk#
chdev –l hdisk# -a pv=yes
chdev –l hdisk# -a reserve_policy=no_reserve
Here’s the command to swap the disk:
clmgr modify cluster REPOSITORY=hdisk#
Then verify both disks are repository disks with:
clmgr query repository
Remove the original disk with:
clmgr –f delete repository hdisk#
Then rerun the query command:
clmgr query repository
At this point, verify your new disk is the repository disk.
Then finally, sync the cluster:
clmgr sync cluster
I wanted to highlight that last part, but there’s a lot more in the actual post. I encourage you to read the whole thing.