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IBM i System Supplied Prestart Job Entries

Dawn May

June 29, 2018

Prestart job entries that ship with the system in the QSYSWRK, QUSRWRK and QSERVER subsystems.


Introduction to Prestart Jobs

Dawn May

June 18, 2018

Prestart jobs provide improved performance by allowing a job to be started prior to handling a work request and can be reused for multiple requests—but they can be difficult to manage.


Tokenized Encryption Helps Merchants Tackle Security Challenges

Ira Chandler

May 1, 2018

As threats to data security proliferate, the actions taken by the governing bodies are evolving. The governing authority for credit card data is the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Security Standards Council (SSC), which was built by the card brands: Visa, MC, Discover, American Express and JCB. The PCI provides the best practices security standards for […]


IT Change and Renewal

Joseph Gulla

April 30, 2018

Approaches and tactics to address challenges like breathing new life into applications.


Your Partner in the Cloud

Steve Sibley

January 2, 2018

McKinsey & Company predicts that enterprises building multiclouds with infrastructure on-premises are expected to double provisioned workloads by 2018 ( Private clouds, when designed with the right technology, can deliver the simplicity associated with public cloud solutions, while retaining the security, availability and freedom traditionally associated with infrastructure fully under your control. IBM Power Systems* […]


Trevor Perry on Slide Decks and IT Strategy

Paul Tuohy

January 1, 2018

Paul Tuohy: Hi everybody and welcome to the first iTalk with Tuohy of 2018. To kick off the year, I think no better person to maybe look back at 2017 with and to kick off the new year is my friend, my colleague, my fellow IBM Champion and general AS/400 evangelist, Trevor Perry. [Laughs] I […]


The Future of IT

October 5, 2017

My grandmother never learned to drive. She was born around the time Henry Ford invented the production line and began rolling out Model Ts in vast numbers. Those cars were shipped to every corner of the world and quite a few made it to our shores here in New Zealand. Ours were painted black, too. […]


Top IT Concerns

Tom Huntington

September 11, 2017

We’ve heard it at trade shows and read about it in surveys: The top challenges for IBM Power Systems* clients are security, high availability and modernization. It’s no surprise because every CIO needs to keep their data safe and available in order to stay competitive—all while keeping the company’s name out of headlines covering the […]


Words in Action

Jim Utsler

August 1, 2017

Imagine being able to predict the onset of a mental health condition before it hits. Or receive a diagnosis at home instead of a psychiatrist’s office. Or being able to adjust your medications based on patterns in your speech when you casually talk with family and friends. Within the next five years, you may not […]


Why Organizations Should Reconsider Their Current Chargeback Systems

Roger Rogers

April 1, 2017

Imagine Mary, Fred and George are gathered for a budget meeting with Ellen, their company’s CIO, to discuss another budget shortfall. Ellen asks, “What caused this million-dollar shortfall?” George says, “We think it’s related to the decision by accounting to shift one of their major workloads from our Power Systems* platforms to our VMware tower. […]