IBM i QSYS2.Services_Info and Navigator for i
May 10, 2018
The QSYS2.Services_Info service is an easy way to see all of the available services along with an example of each.
ArticlesTokenized Encryption Helps Merchants Tackle Security Challenges
May 1, 2018
As threats to data security proliferate, the actions taken by the governing bodies are evolving. The governing authority for credit card data is the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Security Standards Council (SSC), which was built by the card brands: Visa, MC, Discover, American Express and JCB. The PCI provides the best practices security standards for […]
ArticlesIT Change and Renewal
April 30, 2018
Approaches and tactics to address challenges like breathing new life into applications.
ArticlesImproved Temporary Storage Tracking for IBM i (Part 9)
April 26, 2018
IBM continues to enhance temporary storage tracking and management, which was significantly improved beginning with IBM i 7.2.
ArticlesCelebrating IBM i at COMMON POWERUp18
April 12, 2018
One of the biggest events for IBM i professionals is the annual conference put on by the COMMON organization. This year, the event is named POWERUp18.
Editing a File in the IFS with Navigator for i
April 10, 2018
Navigator allows you to edit IFS files with a simple text editor.
ArticlesIBM i 30th Anniversary Celebration Begins
April 2, 2018
Here we go! As I hinted in my last post, it’s time to celebrate the 30th anniversary of IBM i—and that celebration starts today, officially. We had a “preview party” of sorts at the RPG & DB2 Summit a few weeks ago, and we had a great time. Now, we get to start celebrating with […]
ArticlesThe Power of Prototypes for RPG
April 1, 2018
Prototypes are a topic that most RPGers know a little about because they are required for coding program and procedure calls in free format RPG
ArticlesWorking With the IFS: Access Client Solutions vs. Navigator for i
March 29, 2018
You can access the Integrated File System (IFS) using either the Navigator for i web console orAccess Client Solutions (ACS). ACS added support to work with the IFS back in October 2016. There are differences between the capabilities; which interface you use will depend upon what you want to accomplish. I’m sure there are other […]
ArticlesHow to Save 5250 Configurations as Default Profile
March 12, 2018
There’s a handy (but somewhat hidden) feature that allows you to save customizations made to your 5250 session configurations.