5 Reasons to Choose Open-Source Solutions for Software Development
June 16, 2021
Open source has revolutionized the software development industry. Open source means that the software created is released under a license that allows anyone to use it. The code is also distributed along with the software. Some of the most commonly used software systems in the world are open source. For example, the Firefox web browser […]
PodcastsNicole Fagen on SHARE and Women in IT
June 1, 2021
New: Subscribe to TechChannel podcasts on Apple. Reg Harbeck: Hi, this is Reg Harbeck and today I’m here with my colleague and friend Nicole Fagen, who is really deeply involved in the whole mainframe ecosystem including SHARE and including Women in IT. Well Nicole, tell us. How did you end on the mainframe, at SHARE and all […]
ArticlesHow to Defend Your Mainframe From Various Hacking Techniques and Insider Threats
May 26, 2021
Many people think that their mainframe is totally secure. After all, why wouldn’t it be? For a start, they’re running an external security manager (ESM) that limits what people can do and what they can access. There’s the system authorization facility (SAF), a z/OS interface providing infrastructure-security administration tools that help prevent unauthorized access to […]
ArticlesAnnouncing Anaconda for LinuxONE and IBM Z
May 20, 2021
For many data scientists, having access to AI projects on any data platform is not only more productive, but very important to the success of the technology. In fact, according to the new “Global AI Adoption Index 2021,” commissioned by IBM in partnership with Morning Consult, 90% of IT professionals say that being able to run their […]
ArticlesContainerized Data Services and Software-Defined Storage Come to IBM Z
May 19, 2021
After an unforgettable 2020, this year is filled with hope. The biggest vaccination campaign in history is underway and we are slowly going back to a new normal. After these eventful past 12 months, there’s a quote by author Hillary DePiano that describes well what to do next: “You can get excited about the future. The past […]
Introducing IBM LinuxONE III Express
May 18, 2021
Cloud technology has been growing in popularity for several years, as data-driven, app-based technology has become an integral function of daily life. From business applications to consumer solutions, the cloud is a staple for storing and managing data. To meet the cloud-based data needs of various tech workflows while maintaining a high security standard at […]
ArticlesLF Energy’s 2021 Summit Sparks Sustainability
May 18, 2021
LF Energy, an open-source organization within The Linux Foundation ecosystem dedicated to energy and power system transformation through open-source software, hosted the LF Energy Spring Summit on April 14, 2021. The summit was a virtual event, but still had record-breaking attendance, with 89% of registered people attending. And the summit was a hit, with 89% […]
ArticlesRed Hat OpenShift 4.7 on IBM Z Is a Game Changer for Container Orchestration and Management
May 13, 2021
Red Hat recently announced OpenShift 4.7, which offers support for IBM Z mainframes. As IBM mainframes march towards modernization—a hot topic for many corporations—OpenShift 4.7 provides the orchestration and management capabilities needed for containers running on IBM Z, and specifically Linux on IBM Z. For many large mainframe customers pursuing a path of system modernization, […]
E-BooksTechChannel E-book: How to Combat Remote Work Security Risks
May 10, 2021
How remote work has influenced data security trends, and what you can do to keep your data locked down
ArticlesTony Perri on Marketing Mainframe and How Technology Is Changing
May 3, 2021
New: Subscribe to TechChannel podcasts on Apple. Reg Harbeck: Hi, this is Reg Harbeck and today I’m here with my friend and colleague Tony Perri who is the founder and CEO of Perri Marketing. They work very closely with mainframe organizations to really get the word out and keep the conversation going in the whole mainframe ecosystem. […]