TechChannel E-book: How to Effectively Monitor and Measure Your Data Center
October 11, 2021
Running an efficient data center requires constant monitoring and measurement. This means understanding everything from storage best practices and tools for maximizing performance. Data temperature, for example, often determines the percentage of budget that gets devoted to storing different types of data. Once you create process maps based on the data’s temperature, you can better […]
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Protecting Data Within New HA/DR Parameters
September 30, 2021
There are two types of organizations in the world: those that have experienced unplanned system downtime and those that will. Of the first group, many have likely tightened up their high availability and disaster recovery (HA/DR) methods and tools as a result of their incidents, moving, for example, to hosted cloud-based HA/DR services. Within the […]
ArticlesThe Cost of Enterprise Downtime
September 30, 2021
Enterprise downtime is now more expensive than ever: Some 44% of firms indicate that hourly downtime costs exceed $1 million to over $5 million, exclusive of any legal fees, fines or penalties. Additionally, 91% organizations said a single hour of downtime that takes mission-critical server hardware and applications offline, averages over $300,000 due to lost […]
ArticlesThe Importance of Cloud-Based HA/DR Technology
September 30, 2021
For many organizations, budgeting discussions for disaster recovery (DR) and high availability (HA) have played out in a similar manner for decades: The IT department asks to spend a set amount for capital expenditures and a set amount for operating expenses. However, the infrastructure needed to back up the data center and networks in case […]
ArticlesUsing Power10’s Superfast AI With Event Streaming
September 28, 2021
IBM Power10 comes with built-in acceleration for AI by integrating MMA units right into the chip. Jesse Gorzinski explains how to use Power10's AI with event streaming here.
Rob McNelly on the IBM Support Technical Support Appliance
September 28, 2021
IBM Champion Rob McNelly on practical uses for the IBM Support Technical Support Appliance (TSA), how to set it up, report information and more
ArticlesUsing the New SQL HTTP Functions (Part 2)
September 15, 2021
How to use the new SQL HTTP functions to integrate indigenous IBM i technologies (such as Db2 and RPG) with open-source applications
ArticlesYou’ve Heard the News, Now Dig Into the Details: Get up to Speed on the Power10 Announcement
September 14, 2021
IBM Champion Rob McNelly on Power10 E1080 server highlights, and resources you can use to learn more
ArticlesMore Power to You: A Closer Look at the Power10 E1080 Server
September 13, 2021
On September 8, 2021 IBM announced the first server in the Power10 range—the E1080 with an order number of 9080-HEX. The general availability (GA) date for the system is September 17, 2021, and this system is the next generation of POWER servers. Hardware Technology The E1080 is similar to the E980 in that it uses […]
ArticlesUsing the New SQL HTTP Functions (Part 1 of 2)
September 8, 2021
A new and improved set of HTTP functions have been added to Db2 for i. Get the details from Jesse Gorzinski and Scott Forstie here.