IBM, Lenovo and HPE Servers Deliver Strongest Security as Data Breaches Surge
January 9, 2023
A 52% majority of enterprises cannot determine the amount of time it took their businesses to identify, isolate and shut down a security attack
ArticlesA Look at the Latest AIX 7.3 Enhancements
December 22, 2022
In December 2022, AIX 7.3 Technology Level (TL) 1 became available. Many new features and functions were delivered with this TL. You can find the official list of announcements and “what’s new” information at the following links: I wanted to take a moment to talk about some of the new enhancements that caught my attention […]
ArticlesMonitoring IBM i With Prometheus
December 14, 2022
Jesse Gorzinski on how to use Prometheus to monitor your entire technology ecosystem, including IBM i
ArticlesIBM, Lenovo, HPE and Huawei Servers Remain Most Reliable Despite Security and Supply Chain Challenges
December 13, 2022
According to a 2022 ITIC survey, the zSystems mainframe and LinuxONE III recorded 3.15 seconds of unplanned per server/per minute annually—making IBM servers the most reliable
PodcastsScott Forstie on SQL Services and IBM i 7.5 Capabilities
December 2, 2022
Spotlight for the B side: IBM's Scott Forstie on SQL services, geospatial functions and IBM i 7.5 capabilities
IBM Announces Diamondback Tape Library
October 20, 2022
Today, IBM announced its latest archival storage solution: IBM Diamondback Tape Library. An extension of IBM’s comprehensive portfolio of data resilience solutions, IBM Diamondback is designed for organizations seeking to store hundreds of petabytes (PB) of data both securely and sustainably. This cost-effective storage solution enhances sustainability with its energy-efficient infrastructure and reduced environmental impact. […]
ArticlesRob McNelly on ‘Lights-Out Data Center’ Issues, the Latest IBM Announcements and More
October 19, 2022
Have you heard of “lights-out data centers?” Rob McNelly explains what they are along with their pitfalls, and explores the latest IBM announcements here.
E-BooksRecognizing and Fostering Greatness in the Power Systems Ecosystem
September 20, 2022
Spotlighting influential women in the IBM i community; plus, Pete Massiello on how mentorship and IBM i education can close the Power Systems skills gap
ArticlesIBM, VMware Expand Hybrid Cloud Partnership
September 7, 2022
At VMware Explore 2022, the tech giants unveiled plans for joint product development and consulting alliance aimed at modernizing hybrid cloud environments in regulated industries
ArticlesOpen Firmware Macros Tips, and a Closer Look at Power10 Servers
September 2, 2022
Rob McNelly highlights tips on open firmware macros, recaps Nigel Griffith’s closer look at Power10 Servers, explores AIX security bulletins and more