Aggregate Content for IBM Z Products With IBM Doc Buddy V2
September 29, 2017
IBM Doc Buddy is a mobile app that enables you to search error messages of IBM Z software products.
ArticlesFuture of Testing
September 25, 2017
This is the last post in this series on enterprise testing. The focus has been on both system and application programmers in an enterprise systems setting. The first post described enterprise testing and explained the many challenges that programmers experienced 40 years ago in deploying defect free software. The next two posts discussed system programmers […]
ArticlesFocus on Application Testing
September 18, 2017
This is the third post in this series on system and application testing on enterprise systems. In this post, I discuss the daunting job of being a mainframe application programmer and how he or she goes about testing. The testing scope can cover everything from deployment of a new release of ISV software to a […]
ArticlesSystem Programmers and System Testing Challenges
September 11, 2017
What is the role of a mainframe system programmer, and how do they go about testing and covering everything from a major OS release to a specific software product?
ArticlesWill You Be The Next Victim Of Ransomware?
September 11, 2017
Ransomware is malicious software that has been covertly installed on a device, such as your laptop or phone, which encrypts your private data and demands a monetary ransom for restoring the data to its original format. If the data is highly sensitive, the ransom may be the threat of public disclosure of the private data. […]
Java on z Systems Delivers Portability, Security and Other Benefits
July 24, 2017
As people expect quick, secure transactions available any time, anywhere, modernization and innovation on the mainframe are necessary to meet these needs. Java* is at the heart of such transformation. An IDC study, “The Business Value of the Connected Mainframe for Digital Transformation” (, places Java at the center of both modernization and innovation on […]
ArticlesIBM Z Pervasive Encryption Marks a Paradigm Shift for Security
July 17, 2017
Trust is the currency that drives the new economy. It’s the foundation of digital relationships and demands security, transparency and greater value in every interaction and transaction. That’s among the reasons IBM equipped the new z14 system with pervasive encryption. Transitioning away from selective encryption to end-to-end protection helps organizations secure all of their enterprise […]
ArticlesIBM Machine Learning for z/OS Gives Clients the Tools to Make Better, Faster Decisions
July 5, 2017
A customer seeks a home-improvement loan to accommodate her growing home-based business. The bank’s loan officer looks at her credit score. It’s not bad, but it also suggests there’s a high probability she won’t be able to pay back the loan. The loan officer says as much to his manager. Not long thereafter, his boss […]
ArticlesKeeping IBM Machine Learning on z/OS Next to the Data Enhances Analytics
July 5, 2017
Machine learning isn’t some sort of sci-fi-y attempt to make mechanical overlords. Rather, it’s a method by which users can train computers to recognize and even predict patterns in data and, based on machine-learning models, help them make better decisions based on historical, recent and up-to-the-minute information—no matter the format. Machine learning represents an acute […]
ArticlesHow does z/OS data set encryption differentiate itself from other types of encryption for data at rest?
July 3, 2017
As clients begin their journey with pervasive encryption, they consider how best to protect their data in order to satisfy regulatory compliances and avoid potential data breaches. They often wonder how data set encryption differentiates itself from other types of encryption for data at rest, specifically hardware-level encryption. Understanding the value of each type of […]