Take a Closer Look at ACS
Tim Rowe: Welcome to the iSee video series with Tim Rowe and…
Scott Forstie: Scott Forstie.
T: We've got some fun things that we have been working on here in the lab that we think would be really good for you to see to be able to help you with your day jobs. To get started, we're going to get looking at our favorite tool Access Client Solutions. Very recently, we put out a brand-new release all available out on our download site. There'll be some pretty fascinating things in Run SQL Scripts, one of your favorite tools right Scott?
S: Indeed it is.
T: We've added some pretty powerful stuff for people like me. Now somebody who doesn't really know SQL, I have the ability to go create SQL that actually works. Now I like to cheat because I only have one database table that I play with so I put into my default scheme. Once I select that, I can then move my cursor over and I can see what tables are actually there. They all get prompted. Go click on the one I want. Ever forget what database column names are supposed to be? I have no clue but again I can move my curser. I can prompt and they get filled in for you so you can easily select the ones that makes the most sense for what you're trying to do. Obviously this is a pretty simplistic example but then again Scott, you'd expect simplistic when it comes to SQL for me right?
S: You're doing great.
T: Bottom line though I created some SQL and it actually works with just some simple things by hitting the Ctrl and the space bar which gives us our brand-new Content Assist support. Scott, why don't you take over and take a look at a couple of things that you like to do especially in this cool new space?
S: Hi everybody. So this is Content Assist added into Run SQL scripts. Content Assist is going to do just. It's going to help you build your SQL. For example you know Tim we have all these catalogs in the QGIS 2 schema. It's kind of hard to remember the names of them so I'm going to show content assist helping me find that catalogs that I want to use.
T: I certainly don't know the name of the catalogs.
S: And you can see as I'm -as I'm typing, I'm narrowing the scope down. Thank you Content Assist. I got GIS limits.
T: It's like a fast filter. That's cool.
S: Yeah. So what about column names? Select star is a good place to start but oh, I have all kinds of column names in there and now I can pick and choose the ones I want to use. What if I need the system names? Just a little F11 and away you go.
T: What if I don't know what those ones are? What about the details of them?
S: Well we even have fly over capability in the sense of selecting one or more and you get it. Finally add it to my SQL and of course click format and away I go. The next thing would be being able to change the schema or the library list and we'll-we'll be able to find the columns based upon your environment. Look at that all accessible through SQL naming or system naming. Then finally what about-I know you like this example Tim-being able to find all object users.
T: Great example, incredibly powerful.
S: It's built into ACS. What if we-what if you wanted to customize the column list?
T: I can customize the column list based on my SQL services?
S: Yes. You pick and choose. Those are the ones I care about. Go back to format and away I go.
T: So that's pulling it from the SQL services that we've provided. That’s really cool.
S: This is live information. If you get into a situation where you've actually changed the data model, go back and-and press F5 to refresh which went off the bottom on the screen or just grab a fresh connection. It's the same thing as F5.
T: Fantastic. Thanks Scott.
S: You're welcome Tim.
T: I think for the purposes of this little video we've give you a little bit to chew on. We'd like to hear what fun things you like to do in run SQL scripts and we look forward to sharing more in our new iSee video series.