Lynell Cabilangan Constantine

Name: Lynell Cabilangan Constantine Title: Applications developer Company Name: Credentials Solutions Company’s Function: Higher education transcript processing and degree verification HQ: Northfield, Illinois Years in IT: Three |
The biggest challenge our data center is facing today is migrating to a newer and more powerful server and moving from IBM i 7.1 to 7.3 because our company is constantly taking on new customers.
The next big thing for our business will be degree and enrollment verification for schools and employers.
If I weren’t in IT, I’d most likely have majored in psychology or philosophy to become a teacher.
My favorite activity outside of work is to tinker with my built desktop and play video games.
My favorite musical artist is either Future or Tame Impala. It’s impossible for me to choose one genre over the other.
The best movie I’ve seen recently is “Get Out.” The social commentary was excellent.
My favorite or most impacting book is “Blink” by Malcom Gladwell.
My favorite IBM product is Rational* Application Developer.
If money were no object, the one thing I’d purchase is a Koenigsegg Regera as I’m a bit of a car buff. If we’re not talking about material objects, buying time is on the top of the list.
The geekiest thing I’ve ever owned is probably my custom-built desktop and my collection of parts.
If I were stuck on a desert island, the one item I’d want is a fishing pole.
The trend affecting my work is the modernization of fixed-format code and old RPG programming methodology.
I ended up in IT when I built my first computer in high school; it ended up with me discovering many different but related interests.
My greatest mentor has been my RPGIV professor Jim Buck. He helped me get onto this career path and provided me invaluable connections in the industry.