Steven Morales

Name: Steven Morales Title: RPGLE programmer Company Name: P.C. Richard and Son Company’s Function: Retail HQ: Farmingdale, New York Years in IT: 21 |
The biggest challenge our data center is facing today is modernization without losing legacy systems that have proven reliability.
My favorite activity outside of work is kayaking.
The next big thing for our business will be major improvements in how we interact with our customers, especially online.
The geekiest things I’ve ever owned is a Tandy 1000 TL/2 from RadioShack.
My favorite IBM product is Rational* Developer for i (RDi).
My greatest mentor has been Bill Gates. He created a great company that I use every day for both personal and business reasons. I respect him even more because of his humble background and his willingness to try and leave an impact in this world through his charities.
The best movie I’ve seen recently is “Logan.” There’s something about a little kid kicking butt.
The superpower I wish I had is immortality.
My favorite or most impacting book is “Les Misérables.” It’s the only book I’ve read twice. Nowadays, it’s just Google news (and IT magazines such as this).
If I were stuck on a desert island, the one item I’d want is a working cell/satellite phone to call for help.
My favorite musical artist is hard to say. I prefer listening to new music I’ve never heard before.
If money were no object, the one thing I’d purchase is a luxurious cabin in the woods.
The favorite part of my day is the evening.
If I weren’t in IT, I’d be a pen and ink artist.
The innovation that’s made the biggest impact on my life is battery capacity.
The trend affecting my work is preparation for upgrading to the newest version of IBM i.