Advanced Software Products Group
Advanced Software Products Group Inc. (ASPG), a leader in data center software for almost 40 years, specializes in IBM Z security solutions—including z/OS encryption (CICS, Db2, IDMS, MS, etc.), RACF administration/reporting/auditing, enterprise password reset, user provisioning and device access. Data centers worldwide rely on ASPG solutions to increase productivity, protect data and solve critical issues in their IT environments. All ASPG solutions are backed by acclaimed, industry-leading 24-7-365 U.S.-based technical support.
Easy RACF Query (ERQ) and Easy RACF Audit (ERA) offer a comprehensive solution for RACF security management. ERA enables risk assessment and auditing using SMF logs, generate reports and identify security violations. ERQ allows users to issue RACF commands and create extensive reports, including digital certificates and multifactor authentication. Together, these tools provide everything you need to manage and secure your RACF environment with ease.
A cryptography diagnostic tool, CryptoZ offers advanced information on cryptographic resources such as ICSF, Keys, SMF, RACF etc. for analysis, reporting and insights regarding cryptography and data protection. CryptoZ provides a real-time, continuous overview of your cryptographic environment, highlighting areas of concern all in one tool, enhancing your security posture and compliance readiness. Suited for any organization utilizing z/OS cryptography.
MegaCryption is a suite of cryptography and key management utilities with APIs for persistent data encryption, integrity and digital signing on z/OS, UNIX, Linux and Microsoft Windows (including CICS, Db2, IDMS and IMS). It supports data sets and databases, data at rest, data in transit and data archiving. It also offers ZIP compression, text translation, utilization of ICSF, CPACF and zEDC hardware while complementing pervasive encryption.
View the MegaCryption Product Page
ReACT is a secure web-based enterprise password reset and synchronization tool designed to support your entire network (including z/OS) in one product. Quick implementation and custom scripting are free. It’s fully customizable, configurable and easily cost-justified. ReACT includes leading-edge features the market demands, including more than 25 authentication methods such as OTP and TOTP, point/click editing, live dashboard, offline access and audit/management tools.