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Broadcom Mainframe Software Division empowers enterprises to amplify the value of their mainframe investments in ways that drive their business forward. Our market-leading DevOps, AIOps, Cybersecurity and Compliance, Data Management and Foundational & Open Software solutions enable clients to adopt common tools using industry standards and integrate mainframe as part of their hybrid cloud. Our commitment to partnership extends beyond software and features Beyond Code programs that give customers the power to achieve greater business success with the platform.

Elevate mainframe AppDev with our open-first solution that combines a VS Code/Git developer experience with CI/CD integration and test automation. The mainframe DevOps suite, which includes Endevor, testing tools and HostBridge API enablement, drives productivity, quality and speed without compromising security or reliability.

Contact David McNierney for more information.

Learn more about the DevOps Suite

With a rich tradition of R&D investment and market leadership, Endevor is the strategic foundation for mainframe software delivery. By enabling the adoption of Git, via Endevor Bridge for Git and Team Build, as well as VS Code and DevOps toolchains, Endevor offers a riskmanaged, innovate-in-place approach to modernization. It empowers the next generation of talent to work side by side with career mainframers, each using their tools of choice.

Contact David McNierney to learn more.

Learn more about Endevor

Ensure optimal database and SQL performance, efficient administration and reliable backup and recovery of Db2 databases, systems and applications with powerful and flexible solutions. With interoperable solution suites for administration, backup and recovery, utilities and performance, your enterprise can improve service levels, data availability and application responsiveness— helping to reduce costs. Ease the burden of managing and maintaining Db2 while increasing productivity.

Contact Tom Vogel to learn more.

Learn more about Database Management for Db2 for z/OS

Protect data and apps, decrease risk and improve compliance with comprehensive tools built for today’s cybersecurity challenges. Reduce threats with advanced multi-factor authentication and privileged user management. Analyze user activity and behavior to find and resolve insider risk. With the ability to quickly interpret and assess the security posture of your mainframe, plus the freedom to install and adopt at your own pace, the security suite delivers modern, zero trust security capabilities to mainframes.

Contact David Bruce to learn more.

Learn more about the Mainframe Security Suite

Enterprise challenges aren’t always technology related. Our Beyond Code Program provides access to unique offerings designed to enhance your overall success and value from the platform. These offerings cover areas like educating and upskilling your workforce, offering expert guidance and support for change events, identifying possibilities to improve efficiency and cost savings and more—often at no additional cost. Technology is just the beginning in this partnership.

Contact Hunter Johnson to learn more.

Learn more about Beyond Code Programs

Gain secure and flexible mainframe storage options that include hybrid cloud with this software-only solution that supports existing CA 1 policy-based automation without the need for additional infrastructure. Expand options for securing data using existing mainframe security rules with the addition of cloud storage to current tape and virtual tape strategies. Protect against ransomware by compressing and encrypting data on the mainframe and specifying security to the file level.

Contact Tom Vogel to learn more.

Learn more about CA 1 Flexible Storage

Maximize operational resiliency with integrated solutions that combine big data with machine learning, automation and domain expertise. Overcome challenges finding, diagnosing and troubleshooting issues that might otherwise quickly disrupt business operations. Go beyond passive observability to gain unmatched end-to-end visibility, transparency and actionable insights that empower you to anticipate problems sooner, identify root cause faster and apply automation intelligently to foster self-healing.

Contact Paul DiMarzio to learn more.

Learn more about Mainframe AIOps and Automation Solutions

Enterprise reporting tools must keep up with today’s explosive growth in data volume and variety while meeting your business needs. The new Easytrieve brings modern and agile capabilities out of the box so your business and IT teams can exploit features such as VS Code extensions into production, all while doing so in a resource-efficient footprint.

Contact Rick Perret for more information.

Learn more about Easytrieve Enterprise Reporting