Fischer International Systems Corporation
For more than 40 years, Fischer International Systems Corporation has been committed to developing innovative software solutions that maximize the value of mainframes within enterprises. Fischer’s solutions, like the Interactive Output Facility (IOF), accelerate time to productivity by offering strategic diagnostics and effective problem resolution. Through a strategic partnership with LogOn, Fischer also provides maintenance and support for a range of IBM products.
Greater JES2 management diagnostic tools for daily operation allow IOF to provide detail for fast bottom-line problem resolution. IOF accelerates time to productivity with an intuitive interface and online help feature to expand functions.
In addition to all standard JES2 management features, the powerful executive job summary provides a comprehensive view of job information on one screen, including a return code and a menu of its sysout data sets.
Maximize productivity with:
- IOFSEND: A unique standard feature that automatically converts batch job output into HTML and emails it for easy filing on your PC.
- The ZF command: Allows users to browse an entire PDS as a flat file. Scan for strings in a PDS using a revolutionary new approach unique to IOF.
- JobFind (JF): Allows users to browse all the jobs in the job list.
- Flexible command response: Allows the user to apply knowledge of another product’s commands in IOF with a minimal learning curve for users of other JES2 products.
Fischer provides IOF training at, or contact for IOF support.
IOF's powerful tools benefits your team with greater, bottom-line diagnostic features. Time to productivity is accelerated by an intuitive interfaceFischer Identity’s comprehensive identity solutions are built on the principles of zero trust, ensuring complete control over every aspect of identity for a more secure organization. Our solutions include automated provisioning, identity governance, password management and access management. Request a demo at
Fischer Identity Case Studies