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Fresche Solutions

Fresche is the global leader in strategy, modernization, cloud hosting, data, managed services, application support and security solutions. We specialize in modernizing business processes and technology legacy applications, offering end-to-end services that redefine the way businesses operate.

Fresche professionals combine innovative technology with business expertise that fuels transformation and growth. We do this by leveraging IT assets to take advantage of digital solutions while reducing time to market and lowering risk and costs.

RPG, COBOL, Synon and DDS have served organizations for decades because they provide business rules, operational procedures and customer data. However, it’s difficult to find resources to maintain and modernize them.

Fresche application and database modernization solutions include skills and tool-assisted re-architecting and rewriting for:

  • Converting RPG and Synon to modern languages (PHP/Java/RPG Free)
  • Moving DDS to modern databases (DDS to DDL, SQL, etc.) without recompiling
  • Integrating with other applications

Fresche provides dedicated tools and expertise to better manage and maintain everything from infrastructure to applications on IBM i. Augmenting existing staff and backfilling retiring staff with highly trained and skilled technical resources can help you bring more projects to completion and enable IT to deliver better value to the business.

Our operations management solutions provide the most innovative and advanced practices and comprehensive SLAs for response, uptime, backup and business continuity

Resize Your IBM i Database Fields with Fresche’s Automated Resizing Solution

Formtastic is a document automation solution that enables you to design forms, checks and barcode labels from a WYSIWYG designer. Formtastic extracts spool data and inserts it into the new business form. You can automatically fax, email, print or store the newly formatted document within a network.

  • Create graphical IBM i documents without coding or redevelopment
  • Instantly modernize ERP documents with prepackaged overlays
  • Replace outdated solutions (IBM AFP Utilities, Optio, ACOM)
Top 5 Reasons to Replace Your IBM i Forms Solution

When unplanned downtime hits, the ability to quickly restore data and gain access to systems is critical. IBM i HA/ DR and backup services deliver flexible, secure solutions that ensure your company can scale, recover and get up and running fast. Our team of IBM i experts brings HA/DR and backup management solutions for your systems—on premises, in the cloud or both—with as little or as much help as you need.

Web and mobile applications can help organizations increase end-user productivity, streamline workflows and improve end-user experience.

Presto, which is now available via subscription, automatically delivers a modern UI using your IBM i applications. It includes:

  • Global rules to customize multiple screens
  • Visual designer to add new functionality (autocompletes, images)
  • Mobile support
  • APIs to integrate with other technologies
  • Optional web portal to access modernized screens, new web applications and other resources
The Business Case for IBM i Green Screen UI Modernization

WebSmart is a rapid development tool for creating PHP and RPG applications that run on IBM i, Windows or Linux. It helps you quickly develop strategic applications that improve processes or generate revenue (e.g., B2B order entry, e-commerce, invoicing).

WebSmart’s templates shorten the learning curve by generating the starting client and server-side logic. You can then add custom business logic in the IDE to create applications for any business need.

The Business Case for IBM i Green Screen UI Modernization

X-Analysis is an application understanding and management tool that gives you everything you need to understand, maintain, enhance and evolve RPG, CA 2E (Synon) or COBOL applications. It helps developers, analysts, architects and operations teams make informed decisions, modernize operations and manage applications.

X-Analysis increases developer productivity because it enables you to document and discover information that you would otherwise have to find manually. It also mitigates risk because it provides automated impact analysis.

Improve IBM i Productivity by 50%

Improving competitiveness is challenging in the face of constant technology change, growing customer demands and a shortage of RPG, COBOL and CA 2E (Synon) developers.

Fresche’s IT strategy services allow you to deliver better business value by aligning IT initiatives with strategic business goals.

Services include:

  • Detailed analysis, strategy and planning process for IT
  • Modernization roadmaps and IT health check and Path to IT Maturity
  • Transformation Readiness Assessment and Planning
  • IBM i Security Assessment and Planning
  • Strategic Path to Cloud Adoption
  • Data Insights Strategy
IT Strategy and Discovery Services

Many companies have difficulty finding staff with IBM i skills to maintain and enhance their systems. Our flexible staffing and application services let you hire our IBM i experts to help with anything you need: maintenance, new development, modernization or ensuring that applications have the level of support they need. Our experts can work as part of your team, or you can choose to let us manage the project.

Staffing and Application Services

Better workflows, intuitive navigation and access to data are some benefits of web/mobile applications. Our team can help you create APIs, extend your ERP, create new applications, implement DevOps and more.

From ideation to deployment—we’ll help with all aspects of your application development efforts. We understand the technologies necessary to develop solutions for you. Count on us to take ownership of projects and provide solutions that play a strategic role in your IT environment.

A lack of skilled resources and security knowledge has left companies, including IBM i users, vulnerable to cyberattacks.

Created for IBM i and available via subscription, the Fresche TGSecurity Suite provides:

  • Ransomware Protection
  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
  • Exit Point Security
  • Security Compliance
  • SIEM Integration
  • Data Encryption

Engage Fresche’s Security Experts for:

  • Free Assessment
  • Security Consulting
  • Penetration Testing
  • Free TGSecurity Suite Trial